My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2241 don't bully young people to be poor

"Since this is the case, then we won't force it." Hearing what she said, Tao Yuanqian and the others could guess that Gu Fenghua and the others were young and didn't want to be crowded with a group of bad old men like themselves, so they didn't force it.

"By the way, if you ask someone for help in the future, you should be more polite. Don't bully young people into poverty." Gu Fenghua couldn't help but persuade him again. She still sympathized with what happened to those Xiaozong disciples, and she didn't want to see them continue to be manipulated by Wu Tianheng and others like cattle and horses.

"Well, what Gu Shimei said is very true." If it was the past, Wu Tianheng and the others would only snort when they heard Gu Fenghua's words. A young girl who dared to point fingers at her elders didn't know what to say! But now, they nodded solemnly, and then saluted Gu Fenghua as they did to their peers, before walking outside.

When they walked to the gate of the courtyard, they saw Meng Jiwei and others who had stopped far away but did not dare to approach. Wu Tianheng and Tao Yuanqian stopped at the same time.

"Thank you for your help a few days ago. I have a few holy pills for you." Wu Tianheng said as he took out some holy pills and gave them to everyone.

"If we need your help in the future, we will definitely give you generous gifts." Tao Yuanqian also took out the holy pill and distributed it to Meng Jiwei and others.

Seeing this, other people also expressed their thanks and generously donated money.

In fact, they used to order these disciples of the small sect, but they were reluctant to say thank you, not because they were stingy, after all, they were the suzerains or elders of the top-rank sect, how could they not even take out a few holy pills? It's that they feel that the status of the other party is too low, and they think highly of them when they ask them to do things. If they want to thank them and give gifts, they will not lower their status, so it is so natural.

However, after learning a lesson from Gu Fenghua today, I realized that I was too arrogant before, and my mentality suddenly became much more humble. Even without Gu Fenghua's words, my attitude towards Meng Jiwei's disciples from Xiaozong would have completely changed.

"No need, no need, it's our honor for seniors to ask us to do things, how can we receive your gift." Meng Jiwei and others also heard Gu Fenghua's words, but they didn't expect Wu Tianheng and others to give gifts, they were all flattered, and hurriedly declined.

"Why, you don't want to accept our thank you gift. Could it be that you look down on us?" Wu Tianheng and the others gave the thank you gift, but they couldn't refuse it, and they couldn't help but put the holy pill in their hands, and then walked away quickly.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? They actually gave us the Holy Pill?" Until the figures of Wu Tianheng and the others disappeared far away, those young saint masters still couldn't believe it, and looked at each other blankly.

"It's all thanks to Senior Gu. If they hadn't suffered from her, they wouldn't have changed like this." Meng Jiwei looked at Gu Fenghua from afar, with gratitude and awe in his eyes.

Although he didn't dare to get close, he also heard about Gu Fenghua's identity, so how could he dare to call her a senior brother and call her senior.

"Yeah, thanks to Senior Gu, otherwise how could we have gotten such benefits." Another young disciple also said gratefully.

"It's just a few days of hard work, and I got such a holy pill. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up laughing from my dream." The others were ecstatic, and tears filled their eyes when they saw the holy pill in their hands.

Since Wu Tianheng and the others gave gifts, of course they would not be petty and make people laugh. The holy pills they brought out were all treasures, and even the suzerain of their own sect had never seen such top-quality holy pills.

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