My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2258 What can I do if you die

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Although Fatty Bai was often bullied by Lonen to the point of crying, he was moved by her true feelings at this moment, and patted her on the shoulder and said.

"It's fine as long as it's okay. I'm still counting on you to make more Kuchan Pills. After selling the money, go to Kuchan City to buy them. What will I do if you die?" Luo Enen said with a look of fear on his face, wiping away his tears.

"Uh..." Fatty Bai's smile froze on his face.

"We have to quickly find all the herbs to refine Kuchan Pill, or else we won't be able to beat Mu Chenxi. It's really hard to say whether we can find a way out of this secret place." Not wanting to destroy the beautiful image that Luo Enen had built up in his mind with great difficulty, the fat man changed the subject and started looking for medicinal materials again.

Although they have personally experienced the danger of this Kuchan secret realm, they can't stand still. Only by finding all the medicinal materials and refining Kuchan Dan as soon as possible can they be truly safe.

"Don't worry about it." Gu Fenghua took out the blue-patterned ancient soul lamp.

The reason why she didn't take out this magic weapon immediately was because it was her first time to visit Manghuang Mountain, and she wanted to see what is so special about this legendary holy place for hunting and hunting treasures. She also hoped that Fatty Bai and Lonen could have more experience, and hoped that Fatty Bai could win by relying on her true ability. But after Fatty Bai was in danger, she never dared to take any more risks.

Anyway, Mu Chenxi's understanding of Manghuang Mountain far surpasses them, and she has already taken advantage of it. It is not entirely cheating for her to use the blue-patterned ancient soul lamp. And Jun Wencang also said that this competition not only compares the two young masters' own strength, but also their connections, so since Fatty Bai has her as a friend, and she happens to have such a magic weapon, it is fair to win.

Well, Miss Gu Wu's idea is actually to comfort herself. Of course, she herself would never admit it.

"What is this?" Fatty Bai asked curiously.

"This is the blue-patterned ancient soul lamp that I told you about earlier." Luo Enen replied with help. Before that, I told Fatty Bai some of their experience of coming to the Empress of Wuji Shengtian, but time was tight, and I didn't have time to elaborate on many things, and I didn't even have time to show him the ancient blue-patterned lamp.

While speaking, Gu Fenghua had already made his fingerprints. In just a few breaths, runes flickered on the ancient copper lamp, and golden lights shrouded several people in it.

Knowing that the Kuzen Secret Realm that she is going to visit today is actually located in the Manghuang Mountain, she took the time to restore the blue-patterned ancient soul lamp last night. Although it has not been completely restored, the effect of its magic weapon is still very different from before.

Compared with the divine radiance before, the runes of the blue-patterned ancient soul lamp flickered at this time, and the bluish-gold divine light became more pure and restrained, full of mysterious feeling.

Under the shroud of the blue-gold divine light, Fatty Bai and Luo Enen only felt their eyes brighten, as if the legendary golden eyes could see scenes hundreds of feet away. The thick fog is clearly layer upon layer in front of the eyes, but it seems to be completely non-existent.

"No wonder people say that the blue-pattern ancient soul lamp is not a divine weapon, but it is better than a divine weapon. It really is infinitely wonderful." Fatty Bai couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Gu Fenghua smiled slightly. If it were an unrestored blue-patterned ancient soul lamp, the magical light of the magic weapon would look brilliant and dazzling, but it could only clear the fog within the beam's projected range. The place where the light beam could not reach was still hazy. If they wanted to avoid danger, they could only keep sweeping in all directions with the magic lamp. But now, under the cover of the divine light, they can directly see through the fog with their eyesight. This is the strength of the blue-patterned ancient soul lamp.

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