"Uh..." Mu Chenxi had goosebumps all over her body, she simply turned her head away and concentrated on collecting medicinal materials.

Not far away, Gu Fenghua and the others were also covered in hairs. It would be nothing if such love words appeared in Ye Wuse's favorite romance book, but hearing them with their own ears, the feeling is completely different. Mushy, it's too mushy!

This time, without Gu Fenghua opening his mouth, Fatty Bai and Luo Enen took the initiative to back up a few feet, not because they were afraid of being discovered by the other party - at this time, most of Duan Yixing's thoughts were on the glazed jade heart lamp, and the rest of his thoughts were all on Mu Chenxi, how could he have the time to take care of other things. They retreated again afterwards, really shocked by his nasty love words, and disgusted.

"I didn't expect this young master Duan to be a passionate seed, but this kind of love talk is really not very good." Luo Enen said with a sigh. Although he doesn't have a special liking for romance novels like Ye Wuse, but he has read a few of them. Once he listens to Duan Yixing's nasty love story, he can guess why he appeared in the Mu family's team.

Sure enough, it is asking what is the lover in the world, and asking people to promise each other with their bodies... The Xianchi girl who once made Ye Wuse's tea and rice unscented and deeply in love really didn't write scribbles.

"What's next to Mu Chenxi?" Fatty Bai was focusing all his attention on this competition now, he wasn't joking, but looked at his opponent carefully and asked suspiciously.

Beside Mu Chenxi, an incense burner more than half a foot high was emitting soft green light, flowing out like silk. Surrounded by seven or eight huge poisonous spiders, scorpions and centipedes, the nearest one was less than two feet away from her, but there was no response, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep.

"It should be a magic weapon that can make poisonous insects temporarily lose their spiritual consciousness." Gu Fenghua guessed.

Sure enough, as soon as her words fell, Mu Chenxi finished picking the herbs in front of him, picked up the incense burner and went in another direction. As the cyan light pattern disappeared, those huge poisonous spiders, scorpions and centipedes raised their heads, as if they had just woken up from a deep sleep.

"It turns out that the Mu family still has such magical artifacts. Fortunately, our blue-patterned ancient soul lamp, otherwise, no matter how good you are at refining the Kuchan Pill, you will definitely fail." Luo Enen said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the Mu family to have such a magic weapon." Fatty Bai also expressed emotion. It was nothing more than the fact that the Mu family hired Duan Yixing, a disciple of the emperor's envoy, to help him, but he actually had such a magic weapon. If Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen hadn't happened to come to the Kuzen School, and they hadn't happened to have the ancient blue-patterned soul lamp, he would have lost this competition without a doubt.

At first, he was still a little ashamed, thinking that even if he won the competition with the help of Gu Fenghua's blue-patterned ancient soul lamp, he would be somewhat invincible, but when he saw Duan Yixing's glazed jade heart lamp and Mu Chenxi's incense burner that could only make poisonous insects lose their spiritual consciousness for a short time, he was completely at ease.

"Let's go." Gu Fenghua said, looking away from Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing. Seeing Duan Yixing's lamp and Mu Chenxi's incense burner, she felt much more comfortable, and she no longer needed to comfort herself.

"Where are you going?" Fatty Bai and Lornen asked in unison.

"There are so many exotic flowers and plants here, and some of them are rare even in an auction. Are you going to return empty-handed?" Gu Fenghua smiled slightly.

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