My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2263 Because she can flatter

Gu Fenghua and the others are in mid-air, there is no way to avoid it! Both Gu Fenghua and Fatty Bai had experienced the flexibility of this spider web. It took a lot of effort for Gu Fenghua to kill the poisonous spider before, so he tore through the web and rescued Fatty Bai, who was wrapped like a dumpling.

On the line of life and death, the few people seem to have returned to the trial of the Nether Sand Sea, their hearts and minds are united, and life and death depend on each other!

Three completely different sword glows merged into one, as if torn a piece of thin paper, split through the flexible spider web, and landed on the poisonous spider. The carapace, which was stronger than fine steel, broke through, and the huge poisonous spider split into two halves and fell to the ground, dying terribly.

"It's dangerous!" Luo Enen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with lingering fear.

This poisonous spider's intuition of danger was far beyond their imagination, and its counterattack was so sharp that it really made her break out in a cold sweat.

"It's up to it!" Gu Fenghua performed the exercises and quickly recovered his holy energy, pointing to a poisonous centipede a few feet away that was completely black and half a foot long, with faint blue light flashing from each slender leg.

The reaction of the poisonous spider earlier surprised even her. Obviously, these poisonous insects in the Dry Chan Secret Realm are not only huge in size, but their six senses are far stronger than ordinary monsters. Of course, they are most suitable for practicing Yashen's combined attack technique.

Don't look at the fact that the three of them teamed up to split the poisonous spider in half with a single sword, but she was not satisfied with the result. With her cultivation base of the first rank of today's saint, the ninth rank of Luo Enen's Xuan Sheng, and the eighth rank of Xuan Sheng of Bai Fatzi, if the power of Yashen's concentration is exerted to the extreme, it should be enough to turn that poisonous spider into nothingness, not just split in half.

Fatty Bai and Luo Enen also knew that the sword just now was far from showing the true power of Yashen Ningxin, so they took two steps forward and raised their long swords again.


Although there is Duan Yixing's glass jade heart lamp to help, and she also has a Rizhao Green Smoke Stove, Mu Chenxi still dare not be careless. When collecting herbs, she still concentrates her mind to stay on guard, and finally collects all the herbs. Her face is already covered with sweat, and her eyes are full of fatigue. But she didn't care about rest, but shook her head to force herself, took out the alchemy furnace, and prepared to refine Kuchan Pill.

"Young Patriarch, you are amazing. You have found all the medicinal materials so quickly. If it was me, three days would not be enough time. If you are in a hurry, you may make mistakes." The girl next to her immediately stepped forward to help, and at the same time flattered Mu Chenxi wildly.

Her name is Mu Xiuwen, her cultivation level is not high, she only has the eighth rank of Profound Sage, and the reason why Mu Chenxi chose her is because she speaks nicely. Anyway, her opponent is just a good-for-nothing from the Jun family. If it weren't for the troublesome competition between the Jun and Mu families this time, she could strangle him to death with one hand, so she doesn't need to bring any helpers.

"Junior Sister Chenxi, why don't you rest for a while." Seeing the sweat on Mu Chenxi's face, Duan Yixing really felt distressed.

This is the future daughter-in-law of his Duan family, and she will carry on the family line for his Duan family. What if she gets exhausted? As expected of a majestic envoy, Mr. Duan is very confident and sees far away. He has already thought of the matter of passing on the family line before even writing his horoscope.

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