Jun Wencang looked at the stage, and his expression became extremely serious.

When Gu Fenghua was asked to help, it was to deal with Mu Chenxi, a genius of the Mu family who was in the sage realm. In his original plan, as long as Gu Fenghua had the ability to fight Mu Chenxi, Jun Lansheng and Luo Enen would win against the other two Mu family juniors. Unexpectedly, the Mu family invited Duan Yixing. Do you expect Gu Fenghua, a celestial sage, to defeat the other two celestial sages?

Even if the other little girl in the Mu family who was like a slave girl didn't make a move, they might not have the slightest chance of winning.

For a moment, Jun Wencang's heart fell into an ice valley. The only hope was that they would not lose too badly in this match, and if they dragged on to the third match, they would still have some chances.

Mu Xiuwen did not make a move. She had drawn out her long sword at first, but she took it back when she saw this posture. The Young Patriarch brought her to participate in the competition, originally to let her play soy sauce, and the reason why she got this chance to play soy sauce was purely because she had a bit of wink and would flatter others. At this time, how could she steal the young Patriarch's limelight.

The only thing she needs to worry about now is how to flatter her when the Young Patriarch defeats his opponent and tramples the fat man of the Jun family under his feet, so that the Young Patriarch's heart is full of enthusiasm, but not too flattering and annoying. Alas, the technical job of flattering is not so easy.

"Boom!" Just as Mu Xiuwen was racking her brains to think wildly, a thunderous noise rang in her ears.

She raised her head subconsciously, then her eyes widened suddenly, and she no longer had the mind to think about it.

In mid-air, the three sword beams that Gu Fenghua, Fatty Bai, and Luo Enen each slashed out, unexpectedly condensed into one, without distinguishing each other, as if they were struck by one person.

The sword light was so dazzling, as if it was about to split the sky and the earth, and the lightning flashed on it, as if it was about to destroy everything in the world, and the majesty and arrogance in the sword made people tremble even more, and it was even difficult to give birth to a heart of resistance.

Duan Yixing's sword full of anger, met this sword glow like ice in the scorching sun, it melted and dissipated in an instant, and before he could use his holy energy to strike the second sword, he was already smashed out of the competition stage, and in the middle of the air, a mouthful of blood was already spurting out.

Jianmang's momentum was not exhausted, and it fell towards Mu Chenxi again. Compared with before, the power in that sword was obviously much weaker, so Mu Chenxi's luck was slightly better than Duan Yixing's, and he persisted for a while. But after this moment, her good luck came to an end, and the sword light that was cut out with all her strength melted like ice and snow, and Mu Chenxi let out a muffled sound, and flew out of the competition platform.

There was a dead silence all around, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Winning, the Jun family won again, a Heavenly Sage plus two Profound Sages defeated the combination of the two Heavenly Sages, and it was still so clean.

Mu Chengfeng's self-satisfied smile, as if everything was under control, still stayed on his face, but his eyes were wide open in shock, and his expression looked so weird.

Jun Wencang opened his mouth slightly, his face seemed to maintain the previous worry and solemnity, his eyes were filled with surprise, and his expression was also weird.

In fact, everyone's expressions were equally weird. Even though they saw it with their own eyes, no one dared to believe what they saw.

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