Without waiting for Gu Fenghua and the others to make a move, Mu Xiuwen consciously jumped off the competition stage.

Seeing Mu Xiuwen's actions, Mu Chengfeng's face turned blue with anger. As a saint teacher, talent and strength are important, but so is heart and will. This competition is related to the affiliation of the position of the head of the Kuchan sect. As a child of the Mu family, even if she knows she is invincible, she shouldn't run away without a fight, right?

If Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing's defeat can be said to be justified because they were inferior to people, then Mu Xiuwen's move was simply embarrassing and embarrassing to the Mu family.

It's a pity that Mu Chenxi chose the person himself, and it's not easy for him to scold him in front of so many people.

Mu Chenxi was also so angry that his face turned black. If it wasn't for the shock of Gu Fenghua's joint sword that made his blood churn and his hands and feet went limp, he really wanted to slap this shameful sycophant to death.

What made her even more annoyed was that at the moment when Mu Xiuwen jumped off the competition stage, Gu Fenghua and the others showed relieved smiles on their faces at the same time, then their feet softened and they fell to the ground at the same time, endless exhaustion also surfaced on their cheeks.

All around, everyone was stunned again. The Jun family's children who were about to cheer loudly opened their mouths blankly, suppressing the cheers that had reached their mouths.

"Sorry, I made you laugh. It's really not easy to persevere until now." Fatty Bai took the lead in breaking the silence, grinning, and said with a face of shame.

"Thank you very much. If you don't jump down by yourself, we really can't do anything about you. By the way, what's your name, I'll treat you to dinner another day, the best restaurant in Dry Chan City, please fill up!" Luo Enen said to Mu Xiuwen with a grateful and proud face. Made a fortune in the Dry Zen Secret Realm. Although it has not been sold yet, Miss Luo is also more abundant than ever. Finally, she can make a good fortune.

Understand, in an instant, everyone understood. It turned out that Gu Fenghua and his team together defeated Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing not as easy as it seemed on the surface. In fact, after that sword strike, they were exhausted, and they were on the verge of losing their strength, but they were just barely holding on.

After thinking about it, everyone was relieved again. After all, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were only Profound Sages, and there was a gap in cultivation level between Duan Yixing and Mu Chenxi's Heavenly Sage. Gu Fenghua, a Heavenly Sage, could not stand alone.

It's just that they acted too calmly and conceitedly, which deceived everyone.

All eyes were on Mu Xiuwen at the same time, as long as she had a little more courage, even if she pretended to be defeated, she could find out the details of Gu Fenghua and the others, and win this competition for the Mu family. Unfortunately, she was too cowardly, and she didn't even have the courage to pretend, so she just gave the easy victory to Gu Fenghua and the others.

"I didn't expect to win like this. God bless your family, God bless your family." On the viewing platform, several elders of Jun's family were ecstatic.

Jun Wencang's face was no longer as dignified as before, and he looked at Jun Lansheng and the others with a smile, his eyes full of relief. Although Gu Fenghua's strength is the key to winning this competition, Jun Lansheng's performance is definitely not bad. If it weren't for his cooperation, how could Gu Fenghua alone defeat the opponent's two heavenly saints. Besides, if you don't live up to your expectations, how can you make friends like Gu Fenghua?

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