Although the voices of the few people were not loud and were mixed with cheers, they still fell into Duan Yixing's ears, and the blood that had been suppressed after a while began to surge again. What does it mean to have such a little strength, why don't you come up and try? Please, it's not that I'm weak, it's that Gu Fenghua is too strong, okay?

"No, no, there's something weird in it!" Someone suddenly thought of something and said with a slap on the head.

"What's weird?" Immediately, several heads came together.

"I heard that Duan Yixing was interested in the Young Patriarch of the Mu family, but the Young Patriarch didn't treat him very much and didn't give him a chance at all. If the Patriarch Mu was allowed to sit on the suzerain position, the Young Master Mu's status would certainly be higher, and he would not be given a chance. Even though he is the most beloved disciple of Lord Qingyun, he can't control the head of our Kuzen Sect.

Therefore, if he wants to take advantage of Young Master Mu, he must never allow Patriarch Mu to be the suzerain of the Kuzen Sect! Not only that, the more the Mu family declines, the more beneficial it will be for him, and only then will the Mu family beg for him, and Young Master Mu will have to submit to him for the benefit of the family. "The person who spoke, exuded the brilliance of gossip from top to bottom.

"That is to say, he pretended to help the Mu family to fight, but in fact he did not work hard. He wished that the Mu family would lose." It is not a fool who can be regarded as a disciple of the Ku Chan sect. Soon, several other people exclaimed.

"So scheming, so scheming!" The former continued to radiate gossip, nodding his head at his companions, with a teachable look, a bit like a private school teacher.

"Pfft!" Duan Yixing spat out the mouthful of blood that Duan Yixing had held back with great difficulty, and he was so angry that he almost cursed: In order to help the Mu family win the suzerainty position, I spent my life and suffered so much in the secret realm of Kuzen, even my buttocks are almost exposed, didn't you see it? In this scene, Lao Tzu was slashed with a sword by Gu Fenghua and the others so that his blood flowed retrogradely and his old blood spurted wildly. Didn't you see it?

Fortunately, she is very scheming, and she is so calculating... What a calculation!

Mu Chengfeng and Mu Chenxi's cultivation levels, and hearing the crowd's comments, looked at Duan Yixing with weird eyes. Although such a guess is a bit whimsical, but considering Duan Yixing's intentions for Mu Chenxi and the sinister city he is used to, it is not impossible.

Well, this is the yellow mud that fell off the trousers, and it can't be cleaned no matter how you wash it. Noticing the suspicious eyes of the two, Duan Yixing raised his head again, and the old blood spurted so much that he couldn't help it.


At nightfall, the Jun family held a banquet to celebrate the Jun family's victory in today's competition, and also congratulated Jun Wencang on his position as the suzerain of the Ku Zen sect in advance.

During the banquet, the guests and the host had a great time, and it was not until late at night that all the guests bid farewell and left.

"Lansheng, thanks to you, if other Jun family children are allowed to participate in the competition this time, my Jun family is not qualified to win the position of suzerain. You did not disappoint me. Your father Quanxia knows that and will be proud of you." Jun Wencang held Jun Lansheng's hand tightly, and said with tears shining.

With Jun Lansheng's current status, of course it is not suitable for him to live in Bishui Xiaozhu, so he ordered someone to tidy up a courtyard for him in the inner house of Jun's house. After the banquet, he personally sent them back. When they arrived at the door, he was drunk, excited and emotional, but he couldn't bear to leave.

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