My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2310 It seems that we have all changed

What's more, even without the poisonous fog and miasma, the monsters and poisonous insects hidden in the mountains and forests would not be so easy to find, and they would not dare to rampage unscrupulously in the barren mountains, so they still have to be careful from time to time.

Therefore, after saving a few people, Gu Fenghua didn't waste time, didn't even bother to call each other, took Qingyuan Yuzhicao, left the Holy Spirit Stone and left directly.

"Fenghua, you seem to have changed a little?" While following Gu Fenghua and galloping forward along the map in his mind, Luo Enen tilted his head and looked at Gu Fenghua with strange eyes.

"Oh, what changed?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"If it had been changed before, you probably wouldn't have rescued them, would you?" Lonen said.

Gu Fenghua smiled slightly, Luo Enen was right, they went to Manghuang Mountain this time to find the fairy grass. Although the celestial radish has been hidden in the wild mountain for tens of thousands of years and has not been discovered by anyone, but the last time the earth dragon turned over, the Jing Yin sect of the dry Zen sect had a golden light and auspiciousness for thousands of miles, so Jun Wencang guessed.

There are no wonders in this world, God knows if other than Jun Wencang, other people have noticed the strangeness of Manghuangshan. You know, Tantai Yunsu's fall was said to be because of the fairy radish. Gu Fenghua never believed that those who besieged her would never give up the celestial radish because of her death. If I guessed correctly, there should be people who have been looking for the whereabouts of the celestial radish for tens of thousands of years.

That's why she was so anxious and refused to waste any time. With her character, she probably wouldn't cause any complications at such a time. save people? I don't know how many people come to Manghuang Mountain to practice treasure hunting every day, and I don't know how many people died in danger. Can she save it?

However, the test of the frightening Zen bell brought her too many emotions. If you don't meet it, it's fine. If you meet it, it's just a matter of effort, why not save it?

"If I don't make a move, will you save me?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Lornen and Fatty Bai thought for a while. Of course, they also know that there must be some people who have never given up on the fairy grass in this infinite holy place, so they must find it as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

However, when Gu Fenghua asked, the scene that appeared in the illusion involuntarily appeared in their minds, and the sadness and sympathy also came to their hearts again.

"Yes." The two answered firmly.

"It seems that we have all changed." The three of them looked at each other and smiled relaxedly at the same time.

Indeed, Tantai Yunsu's test brought subtle changes to all three of them. But such a change is by no means a bad thing for them.

It is important to become a strong man, but if you lose your compassion, what is the point of becoming the top powerhouse in Wuji Shengtian, and even breaking the shackles of space one day and going to another plane?

"By the way, Fenghua, is that Qingyuan Yuzhi grass important?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

"It wasn't too important before, but now that the handsome man has the Chaos Xuantian Pill, it becomes more important." Gu Fenghua said.

"You mean, this Qingyuan Yuzhicao can help a handsome man advance to the ninth rank of Profound Sage?" Luo Enen said in surprise after understanding what she meant.

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