My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2313 You really shouldn't scare him like this

"Beautiful man, why are you so kind to me? With such great kindness, don't I just have to die..." Luo Enen said with emotion and shyness while wiping away tears.

"What!" Although the last word hadn't come out yet, the fat man's eyes widened sharply.

"No, don't make promises with your body. If you really want to be moved, you can be a bull or a horse. You can never promise with your body..." The fat white man was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and the last word "ah" was so miserable, so terrified, and even so desperate.

"Jun Lansheng, what do you mean by this? How can I say that this eldest lady is beautiful, so she is not worthy of you?" Luo Enen was stunned for a moment, then raised her brows, put her hands on her waist, and roared from the east of the river, her little face was flushed with anger.

Regarding her appearance, the eldest lady of the Luo family still has full confidence. She thought that if she pretended to be moved and shy, even if the fat white man passed out on the spot due to unhappiness, he would definitely be trembling with excitement. But the result of the matter was completely beyond her expectation. The fat man was trembling all over, but it was obviously not because of excitement, let alone happiness, it was purely scared.

She is majestic and beautiful, and everyone sees people, loves flowers, sees flowers, drives and sees the eldest lady of the Luo family in the car, is it so scary? With her appearance, body, cultivation and strength, is she not worthy of this fat man? This is clearly the greatest insult and injury to her!

"It's not a matter of being worthy or not, but, rather... It's not easy for my Jun family to have this family fortune. I don't want the painstaking efforts of our ancestors to be ruined in my hands. Please let our Jun family go." The fat white man shrank his neck in fright, and said pitifully, his eyes filled with begging.

Back then, in order to marry this prodigal son, the Luo family would not hesitate to pay the bride price. Although his family background is far from comparable to that of the Luo family, the problem is that the young lady of the Luo family is stronger, her vision is wider, and her prodigal family is no better than before.

"Jun Lansheng, I'm going to kill you!" After a brief silence, Miss Luo drew out her long sword.

This time, without waiting for the familiar scene of flying dogs and chickens to appear, Gu Fenghua pressed her shoulder.

"Enen, don't be angry. Although the beautiful man's words are a bit hurtful, but you also have something wrong. You really shouldn't scare him like this." Gu Fenghua said earnestly.

It's too scary, and fortunately she is a woman, otherwise she would be quite frightened when she heard what Lonen said.

"..." Luo Enen held the sword and couldn't say a word.

"Enen, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, come on, I'll give you this holy pill, it's my apology to you." The fat white man licked his face, and handed the pill bottle to Luo Enen again.

"Beautiful man, I know you have good intentions, but I absolutely cannot take this Chaos Xuantian Pill." Lonen slowly put away the long sword, and said with a determined expression, but there were tears of emotion in his eyes.

When she said the words "promise with her body" just now, her emotion was somewhat exaggerated, but now, it is completely from the bottom of her heart. It turned out that Fatty Bai hit her so hard, not because he didn't see that she was teasing him, but because he deliberately annoyed her, then apologized to her, and handed over the Chaos Xuantian Pill to her.

If it was the past, she might have readily accepted Fatty Bai's intentions. Originally, friends who share life and death and can entrust their lives to each other, why bother to refuse for a holy pill? But this time, Lornen absolutely could not accept it.

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