"Fenghua, what kind of herbs are missing in refining Chaos Xuantian Pill, let's find it right away." Fatty Bai also became excited.

"It's the ivy grimacing flower, and the other is the Tianya Chixia grass. You don't need to look for it specially, you should be able to meet it on the road." Gu Fenghua said. These two herbs are not too rare. There should be a lot of them in Manghuang Mountain, just pay more attention on the road, there is no need to waste time on them.

After simply eating breakfast, the group of people continued to rush towards the direction of the fairy grass in their minds...

Before I knew it, another three days passed.

Under the moonlight, the Yaomu tripod rune gradually receded, and the mysterious heaven and earth rhyme gradually disappeared.

The furnace cover had been lifted long ago, and a gray-black holy pill lay quietly on the bottom of the furnace, without any luster, and faintly exuded a burnt smell.

"It failed, how could it fail?" Gu Fenghua looked at the waste pill at the bottom of the furnace, and said in disbelief.

She can be sure that there must be no problem with the pill formula she deduced, and there must be no problem with these medicinal materials. In fact, at the end of the practice, the Dao of Heaven and Earth appeared, which can also prove this point, but at the most critical step of forming the pill, it still failed. What is the reason for this?

"It's okay Fenghua, this is the first time, failure is inevitable, and I will succeed next time." Luo Enen and Fatty Bai rarely saw Gu Fenghua fail in alchemy, and they were afraid that she would not be able to bear such a blow, so they comforted her.

Of course her psychological endurance is not as bad as Luo Enen and Fatty Bai worried, but the failure of refining the Chaos Xuantian Pill this time really puzzled her: there is no problem with the pill formula, there is no problem with the medicinal materials, and there is no problem with the Shengyuan Pill that was blindly used as a medicinal material in the end. Judging from the fact that it finally attracted the Dao of Heaven and Earth, her alchemy technique must be no problem, but why did it fail in the end?

Gu Fenghua thought for a long time, and took out Fatty Bai's Primal Chaos Profound Heaven Pill again, gathered his spiritual thoughts, and pondered carefully. But after a long time, she still couldn't find the answer, her brows furrowed even deeper, and the sadness on her face became more intense.

"Fenghua, I have some alchemy secrets handed down from the Jun family on me, why don't you take it and study it?" Fatty Bai couldn't bear to see her so exhausted, so he whispered.

"That's good." Gu Fenghua is not a person who stands still, and really can't think of a way. It's not a bad way to understand the alchemy method passed down by the Jun family's ancestors. Maybe she can enlighten her by comprehending the analogy.

After receiving the secret book of the Jun family handed over by Fatty Bai, Gu Fenghua read it carefully. Time passed slowly, and finally, she closed the last secret book, but her frowning brows still did not relax, on the contrary, she felt more bitter.

"Fenghua, what's the matter?" Seeing this, the fat man was full of doubts.

"Beautiful man, these alchemy methods can only be used by members of your Jun family. Others can't learn or use them at all, even the most qualified holy alchemists are no exception." Gu Fenghua said with a wry smile.

"Why?" Lonen asked in surprise. In her opinion, although the alchemy skills handed down by Jun's family have their own merits, Gu Fenghua's attainments in alchemy are unparalleled in the world, so how could he not learn it?

"I understand, it's because of the Holy Spirit of Dry Zen!" Fatty Bai was also taken aback, but he immediately came to his senses and said, patting his forehead.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua nodded.

"No, no." Gu Fenghua still frowned.

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