This rhythm seems to be integrated with the Heaven and Earth Dao of Tianji Continent and Wuji Shengtian, but it surpasses it. Except for the five legendary treasures of heaven and earth, there is probably no other treasure of heaven and earth that has such a wonderful rhythm.

Refining the Chaos Xuantian Pill is always secondary, and finding the Immortal Grass is the main purpose of their trip. Feeling that wonderful rhythm, the spirits of several people were greatly lifted, and the speed of moving forward became faster.


Unknowingly, more than a month passed, thousands of miles away from the Manghuang Mountain, several figures also flew forward, running towards the same direction.

"Junior Sister Liang, are you sure you are here to find an opportunity to break through and be promoted to Heaven?" Duan Yixing looked at Liang Ruolan suspiciously.

Yes, these people are Liang Ruolan, Zhong Wanying, Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing.

According to Liang Ruolan, she came to Manghuang Mountain to experience a breakthrough because she vaguely sensed the opportunity to make a breakthrough. But shortly after setting off, Duan Yixing discovered that she hadn't practiced much at all, and spent most of her time desperately hurrying, as if she was looking for something.

Compared with Duan Yixing's doubts, Mu Chenxi was much calmer. She had already guessed that Liang Ruolan actually had other plans for coming to this barren mountain, but what she wanted to do most now was revenge. As long as Liang Ruolan helped her achieve her wish, she would not bother to ask about other matters.

"Senior Brother Duan, to be honest, we came to Manghuang Mountain this time to find a natural treasure. But don't worry, I will do what I promised you earlier. No matter whether I can find the natural treasure, I will do my best to help you deal with Gu Fenghua." Liang Ruolan knew that she couldn't hide it from Duan Yixing and Mu Chenxi. Seeing him ask, she didn't bother to hide it.

Anyway, when she finds the rare treasure, the two of them will still know the purpose of her trip. Instead of explaining it at that time, it is better to let them be mentally prepared in advance.

Liang Ruolan didn't worry that they would act unjustly to snatch it. After all, they were not from ordinary families, so there was no need to hurt their peace because of a treasure of heaven and earth. Besides, she came to Manghuang Mountain this time under the order of her master. Big deal, when the time comes to find that rare treasure, then ask Master, and give them some other benefits.

At this moment, Liang Ruolan didn't know what she was looking for at all. If she knew, she would definitely not be so relaxed.

Immortal radish grass, that is one of the most mysterious and powerful five heaven and earth rare treasures among the many legends of Wuji Holy Heaven. For it, Duan Qingyun would have no hesitation to tear up his face with his eldest grandson Luo Cang, so why would Duan Yixing care about her like Liang Ruolan?

"That's really the case?" If Liang Ruolan prevaricates, Duan Yixing may still feel displeased because of her deceitful use. Seeing her express her purpose so readily, she has no grievances in her heart.

Anyway, his and Mu Chenxi's purpose was to let Liang Ruolan and Zhong Wanying deal with Gu Fenghua together, or they could use each other. So whether Liang Ruolan came to Manghuang Mountain for experience and promotion, or for exploring strange treasures, it didn't have much to do with them.

"But Manghuang Mountain is so big, can you find it?" Mu Chenxi asked.

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