"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua quickly retreated amidst Qing's voice.

At the same time, a green vine drilled out of the ground, rolled up Luo Enen and Fatty Bai, and threw them flying in the same direction.

Standing in the air, the two of them circulated the little holy energy they had just condensed to the extreme. The speed between the ups and downs was by no means lower than that of Gu Fenghua. In the blink of an eye, the figures of several people were several feet away.

"How is it possible? How did she recover her holy energy so quickly?" Liang Ruolan looked at the figures who left quickly with a pale face, and couldn't believe her eyes. Shocked, he even forgot to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Gu Fenghua and the others fought life and death with that Xiezhi before. She saw it with her own eyes. The blood on their bodies and the exhaustion of the holy energy are definitely not fake. It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for Gu Fenghua to recover his combat power without three or five hours of effort. However, she also personally experienced the power of that sword just now, even if Gu Fenghua hadn't recovered to his best condition, it was by no means something she could compete with. Liang Ruolan believed that if it wasn't for the presence of Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing, Gu Fenghua had reservations, and it would be a question of whether she could save her life under this sword strike.

She really couldn't imagine how Gu Fenghua could recover his holy energy and combat power so quickly.

How did she know that Gu Fenghua's two innate holy spirit roots have grown into towering trees since she embraced the pure land of spiritual heart, and the recovery speed of the holy spirit is several times faster than before, how can ordinary saints compare?

Liang Ruolan was repelled with a single sword, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai also flew away with the help of Jianjian, Gu Fenghua finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Liang Ruolan's strength is not to be feared, and Zhong Wanying's green tea whore is not worth mentioning, but don't forget, the other party also has Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing, two strong men in the heavenly sage realm, Gu Fenghua doesn't think that with their current state, they can defeat such two heavenly sages.

Going is the most sensible choice for them. As long as they enter the dense mist and poisonous miasma, let alone Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing, even if there are more of them, they will be helpless. If they dare to chase rashly, they will kill them one by one.

However, before leaving, Gu Fenghua of course would not forget the celestial radish. It seems that Liang Ruolan obviously doesn't know what Xianluocao is, otherwise she would never talk so much nonsense to her. Even if she wanted to pretend to be X, it would be after getting Xianluocao. This gave her a chance, and of course she would not miss it.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, just a few steps away, she will be able to get the fairy grass, and then dodge away, submerged in the mist.

"Ku Zen, Jian Xin!"

"With a single sword from Qingyun, it can dominate the world!"

But at this moment, Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing shouted loudly from behind at the same time, and the two sword lights unstoppably slashed towards Gu Fenghua's back.

Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing were equally astonished to see Gu Fenghua recovering his fighting strength so quickly, but they had suffered at the hands of Gu Fenghua and others more than once, especially Duan Yixing, who had been ravaged again and again since he went to a school, how dare he despise her. Even though she knew that her holy energy was exhausted and her injury was serious, she still didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

When Liang Ruolan pretended to be X to the fullest, the two of them had secretly circulated their holy energy and were ready to strike at any time. Almost at the same time that Gu Fenghua repelled Liang Ruolan with a sword, and then took Luo Enen and Fatty Bai away quickly, they also flew out, slashing out with a sword that had been prepared for a long time.

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