It's no secret how mediocre Liang Ruolan's aptitude is. Mu Chenxi couldn't figure out how she could speak so lightly of a barrier that she couldn't even open.

Liang Ruolan didn't explain, but took out an ancient seal the size of a palm. The surrounding area of ​​the ancient seal was damaged and mutilated, but the runes on it were still faintly visible, obviously it was a magic weapon.

"Breaking the Demon and Opening the Heaven Seal!" Liang Ruolan answered concisely.

"Breaking the Devil and Opening the Sky Seal, the legendary artifact that can break any barrier!" Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing exclaimed at the same time.

The Seal of Breaking Demons and Opening the Sky is an ancient artifact. According to historical records, no matter what kind of formation or barrier it is, it can be broken with this seal. However, according to records, like many legendary artifacts, the Demon Breaking Seal was also destroyed in that catastrophe. Unexpectedly, this artifact was not destroyed, but fell into Liang Ruolan's hands.

It was only at this time that the two of them faced up to Liang Ruolan's identity again. No matter how useless she was, she was still the disciple of Lord Luocang, and she was still not comparable to ordinary saints.

"It's no longer a divine weapon, it's too damaged, and it's impossible to even repair it." Liang Ruolan said with some regret. But that regret, in the eyes of Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing, was clearly still showing off.

"Then, can you still break the barrier?" Zhong Wanying asked with some concern.

Liang Ruolan's previous words once again aroused her hidden fear of Gu Fenghua, and now she has already started to fidget.

"If it's someone else, it would be a bit difficult, but if I do it, you don't have to worry about it." Liang Ruolan smiled proudly, and then began to make fingerprints.

With a flash in front of his eyes, the broken ancient seal soared into the sky, flying above the golden bell-like barrier. The runes flickered, and a faint blue light full of fierce and murderous meanings swayed down, projecting on the golden bell barrier.

Afterwards, spots of light appeared above the barrier, the color of which was much darker than that of the surrounding area.

Seeing this, Duan Yixing and the others were both surprised and puzzled.

"Any barrier has its weaknesses. The most powerful part of this Demon Breaking Heaven Seal is that it can find out these weaknesses and break it with the force of a thunderbolt! Although the current Breaking Demon Opening Seal is seriously damaged, it is difficult to find the weakness of the barrier, but with my innate supernatural power, it will not be a big problem." Seeing the surprised looks of several people, Liang Ruolan became proud again, and explained in detail.

So it is! It was only then that Duan Yixing and the others suddenly realized, and they also noticed that the sky eyes between Liang Ruolan's eyebrows were more dazzling than before, as if a ball of flame was burning.

On the Seal of Breaking Demons and Opening the Sky, the faint blue light gradually condensed, and finally, it projected on the largest spot of light in the barrier. The ancient seal began to tremble slightly, and the faint blue halo on it became thicker and thicker, as if a thunderstorm was brewing.

Duan Yixing and Mu Chenxi looked at each other, and they both saw the expectation in each other's eyes. They took a deep breath, and they performed the exercises again to accumulate holy energy.

Apparently, with the help of the Pomo Opening Seal and Tiantian's eyesight, Liang Ruolan has found the weakness of the barrier. It won't take long, as long as the thunder of the Pomo Opening Seal falls, the barrier can be directly blasted.

In such a short period of time, no matter how fast Gu Fenghua recovered, he would never be able to recover to his prime, let alone Luo Enen and Jun Lansheng. Without the cooperation of the two of them, Gu Fenghua would not be able to exert the strongest power of the combined strike technique.

This time, Gu Fenghua is still doomed!

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