My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2335 That's the breath of the brothers

Seeing this enchantment like an upside-down golden bell, the two of them naturally thought of the frightening Zen bell of the Ku Zen School, and naturally attributed it to Tantai Yunsu. They never thought that someone else set up the enchantment.

Gu Fenghua didn't answer, but slowly moved his handprints one after another. Immediately, runes flickered in the golden barrier, and the entire barrier became more solid than before.

"Fenghua, you actually know this enchantment!" Luo Enen was so surprised that he almost couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

Although I knew that Gu Fenghua's formation technique was not weak, but even so, it was impossible to comprehend a barrier that had never been seen so quickly. Obviously, Gu Fenghua had long understood this barrier. Sometimes Lonen really wanted to cut open her head to see how much stuff was hidden inside.

"I understand, this enchantment was left by your elder brothers?" Fatty Bai looked at the tears on Gu Fenghua's face, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and he guessed.

"That's right, this enchantment was left by my elder brothers." When he spoke, Gu Fenghua had tears streaming down his face.

Fatty Bai and Luo Enen couldn't feel it, but she could clearly feel that there was a sense of vicissitudes in the barrier, which was obviously not left by Tantai Yunsu tens of thousands of years ago. Moreover, in order to maintain the barrier for a long time, when arranging some extremely mysterious formations, the power of the holy source was usually used. In this barrier, she clearly felt a few familiar breaths, which were the breath of her brothers.

"It's strange, how did your brothers know that you would definitely find the fairy grass, why did you leave this enchantment in advance to protect you." Luo Enen said puzzled.

"Could it be that there is that aura in this fairy grass?" This time, Luo Enen's mind turned quickly, and he reacted immediately.

The reason why Gu Fenghua couldn't refine the Chaos Xuantian Pill was because of the lack of energy, and the one that Fatty Bai took was personally refined by Wuji Shengjun, so she couldn't figure out the origin of that energy. These days, seeing Gu Fenghua's way of thinking and worrying, she was secretly worried, for fear that she would become obsessed with too much obsession.

At this time, Gu Fenghua was in high spirits and completely recovered her previous self-confidence. Of course, it was because she had found that aura. Besides the celestial herb, where could she find that aura?

"Not bad!" Gu Fenghua said while making handprints with the fastest speed, and put the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace.

Although she had failed many times before, her technique was also extremely proficient, and everything seemed to be a matter of course.


With a loud "boom", the Pomo Opening Heaven Seal fell heavily on the golden bell barrier, like a meteorite flying down from the sky.

The ground trembled, and of course the entire barrier trembled violently.

Although they failed to directly break the barrier, Mu Chenxi, Duan Yixing, and Zhong Wanying did not show any disappointment on their faces. After all, the artifact was severely damaged, and the power loss was expected. They believed that as long as they found the weakness of the enchantment, with such power, it would only be a matter of time before it could be broken, and it would not take much time.

Sure enough, just as they expected, following Liang Ruolan's handprints, the seal of breaking the demon and opening the sky fell down again.

While the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, the enchantment that seemed to be integrated like an upside-down golden bell appeared faintly in a crack, and the figures of Gu Fenghua and the others could be faintly seen in it.

Liang Ruolan was refreshed and continued to make fingerprints. Beside them, Mu Chenxi and Duan Yixing had exhausted their holy energy to the extreme and were ready to strike at any time.

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