My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2343 the story turned out to be true

Gu Fenghua and the others wiped their foreheads in unison. It turned out that they were not the only ones who regarded Jin Zhetian as a chatterbox, nor were they the only ones who felt that the guy liked to brag, even Feng Lao commented in this way.

"Feng Lao, let's leave this place first, and then reminisce about the old days." Gu Fenghua said worriedly.

Although Changsun Luocang was scared away by Feng Lao's bluff, if he came back to his senses and used his carbine, they would really be doomed.

"Are you worried about the eldest grandson Luo Cang? Don't be afraid of him. He dare not come back, and he won't come back." Seeing what Gu Fenghua was worried about, Feng Lao smiled confidently.

"Oh?" Gu Fenghua and the others were a little puzzled.

"What you saw just now was only his holy soul body, otherwise, I wouldn't be his opponent, and I wouldn't even have a chance to bluff." Feng Lao said with a smile.

"Holy Soul Dao Body?" Gu Fenghua and the others had never heard of the Holy Soul Dao Body, and their expressions were all at a loss.

"Concentrating the holy soul beads, and then comprehending the holy energy of the Dao source, can condense the Dao soul and Dao body, which can also be regarded as a clone of the soul. The original spirit that is said in the book "Gods and Ghosts" goes out of the body, travels nine days, and kills people thousands of miles away. In fact, it is not a nonsense, it is the Holy Soul Dao body." Feng Lao explained.

"It turns out that those myths and ghost stories are all true!" Loenen said excitedly. Not everyone likes romance novels like Ye Wuse, but she likes those grotesque ghosts and ghosts even more. Naturally, she has seen stories of the soul leaving her body in the books, and she was fascinated by them when she was a child.

Who knew that the story turned out to be true, and there was really a saying that the primordial spirit came out of the body and killed people thousands of miles away, but it was not called the primordial spirit out of the body, but the holy soul and Taoist body.

"Then, what is Daoyuan Shengqi?" Gu Fenghua asked.

She is also a little excited, you know, she has already condensed the Holy Soul Orb, and even Luo Enen and Fatty Bai have condensed the Holy Soul Orb after they were truly promoted to the Heavenly Sage Realm, but it is far from being as solid as hers, and it is difficult to release it. If they can realize the sacred energy of Dao source mentioned by Feng Lao again, wouldn't it mean that they can also condense the holy soul and Dao body like Changsun Luocang, and kill people thousands of miles away invisible.

"When the cultivation base reaches a certain level, and you have a sense of the myriad avenues between the heaven and the earth, you will have the opportunity to comprehend the origin of the avenue, and the power of the holy source will be condensed into the holy energy of the dao source." Feng Lao replied.

"Then how high is it?" Lonen asked.

"At least you have to go to the Emperor's Saint Realm, but even in the Emperor's Saint's Realm, it is not easy to perceive the source of the holy energy. As far as I know, even the three holy kings have extremely limited perception of the source of the holy energy." Feng Lao said.

Hearing this, Gu Fenghua and the others felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured on their heads, and they couldn't get excited anymore. Even the three sages have very limited understanding of the holy energy of the source of Dao, and it is not so easy for them to understand it. It is even more like a fool's dream to imagine that the soul is out of the body and traveling nine days, killing people thousands of miles away, as described in "Ghosts and Ghosts".

"In this way, the strength of Changsun Luocang is not much worse than that of the three holy kings." Speaking of this, the expressions of Gu Fenghua and the others became dignified again.

Even the three sage kings have very limited understanding of the Daoyuan holy energy, but Changsun Luocang can condense the Daoyuan holy body, and it is so powerful, so his own strength is not far from the three sage kings. Now that the two sides meet each other, they are completely exposed, and there may be no room for them in the entire Wuji Holy Heaven.

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