My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2353 I will avenge this revenge myself

After running for three full days and three nights, the two stopped, not because they wanted to stop, but because they couldn't run anymore. They were already seriously injured and ran so desperately. Although they took the healing elixir on the way, they didn't even have the time to refine the elixir power. How could they persevere.

The two of them lay down on the ground in unison, panting heavily like bereaved dogs.

"It seems that they should not be able to catch up." After resting for nearly an hour, Duan Yixing finally recovered his breath and said with lingering fear.

Mu Chenxi nodded, her eyes still wandering.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you back to Kuzen." Falling into Gu Fenghua's hands again, almost leaving his life in Manghuang Mountain, Duan Yixing was really scared, and just wanted to get as far away from Gu Fenghua as possible.

"Can I go back?" Mu Chenxi said with a wry smile.

In her mind, Jun Lansheng would definitely report the matter of Manghuangshan to the family, and the Jun and Mu families would definitely quarrel, and even turn against each other, but this was her fault. In order to appease the anger of the Jun family, the Mu family would definitely drive her out of the house. With her arrogance, how could she afford to lose that face.

"That's right, at this time, it's really not suitable for Huiku Zen. Or, you go back to me and go to Qingyun Peak first, and then ask my master to help you make peace, and the Jun family will give you some face." Of course, Duan Yixing understood what she was worried about, and was overjoyed, but he didn't dare to show the joy on his face, but said comfortingly.

"No need, go back by yourself." Mu Chenxi said decisively. How could she not see Duan Yixing's thoughts, it was because she didn't like his deep thoughts that she refused to give him good looks, if she followed him back to Qingyun Peak, wouldn't it be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?

"Chenxi, come back with me. My master loves me the most. Knowing what Gu Fenghua has done, he will definitely stand up for us. No matter how strong Gu Fenghua and others are, are they stronger than my master?" Seeing her refusal, Duan Yixing was inevitably disappointed. Rolling his eyes, he continued to persuade.

"I will avenge this revenge myself. Perhaps, this disastrous defeat at the hands of Gu Fenghua and the others may not necessarily be a bad thing for me." Mu Chenxi shook her head and said.

Frustrated again, she did not have the unwillingness and resentment after the last defeat, but became calmer, and her expression was much more determined than before, as if these three days of desperate running had made her grow up after three years, and she suddenly matured a lot.

"These Dry Chan Pills are enough for you to leave Manghuang Mountain. Take care, I'll take a step first." Mu Chenxi took out a bottle of Dry Chan Pills and handed them to Duan Yixing, then flew away.

"Chenxi..." Duan Yixing wanted to say something else, but Mu Chenxi didn't give him a chance to speak at all. He could only watch helplessly as Mu Chenxi's figure disappeared into the mist.

"Personally revenge? The opponent is still Gu Fenghua, how can it be so easy? I wonder if she will change her mind after Master takes the lead for me?" After a long time, Duan Yixing shook his head and said to himself.

Although Mu Chenxi still refused to go back to Qingyun Peak with him in the end, he would not give up the idea of ​​asking Master to come forward. This trip to the wild mountain, the two sides have completely torn their skins. Not to mention Gu Fenghua's aptitude and strength are terrible, even the followers around him are so terrible, if they are allowed to improve like this, he will die in their hands sooner or later.

Rather than being slaughtered, it is better to strike first!

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