My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2370 almost burst into tears on the spot

Gu Fenghua didn't lie. At this moment, Gui Yezi's angry roars sounded in her ears: "Beat me, don't give me face, beat me to death, no, don't beat me to death, if you want to make his life worse than death, you dare to bully me under the sect of the descendants of Burning Tianzong, you really don't know how to live or die!"

Gu Fenghua really didn't know that this old man actually had such a violent and cruel side. Although she didn't know what was going on with Fen Tianzong, since Gui Yezi was so angry, she had to help him vent his anger no matter what.

"Woo..." He Gantai's whole body froze, and then he stretched his neck and let out a wolf-like howl. The lingering sound continued, and he fell back for a long time in the valley.

Looking at the blue veins protruding from He Hantai's neck, the corners of Lornen's mouth twitched violently. This kick, which seemed random, actually pierced through the toes, penetrating He Gantai's meridian points, so it made him feel several times the pain, otherwise, with his mind and will of the second rank of Heavenly Sage, how could he be screaming like this?

Luo Enen asked himself, why can't he kick such an exquisite kick, maybe he can barely do it after a long time of preparation, but he is definitely not as relaxed and casual as Gu Fenghua.

A genius is a genius, and the ability to beat everyone so delicately and mysteriously, and so full of beauty, Miss Luo can't accept it.

"Shut...stop...I'm going, I'm sorry, this...I'll leave Qingyang Sect." He Qiantai finally couldn't bear the pain anymore, begging Gu Fenghua and the others for mercy.

"I gave you a chance, but it's a pity that you didn't cherish it. It's too late to leave now." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

As soon as the words fell, Fatty Bai and Lornen rushed forward fiercely. Finally promoted to the Heavenly Sacred Realm, they all feel sorry for their cultivation and sorry for Gu Fenghua's hard work if they don't find anyone to abuse them. What's more, from Gu Fenghua's aesthetics of violence just now, the two of them have a lot of insights, and they just need to study it seriously in actual combat—well, it's not actually actual combat, it's just unilateral abuse.

" clearly said that you counted three times, and the third one didn't count..." He Gantai was beaten to the ground by the two, hugging his head, and roared unwillingly at Gu Fenghua.

"Oh, by the way, there is a third sound that cannot be counted. To be a man, one has to be trustworthy, and one must never be dishonest. Three, when the counting is over, continue the fight." Gu Fenghua kicked again as soon as he finished speaking.

"Woo..." This kick directly blocked the blood in He Qiantai's throat, he could no longer speak a word, he could only let out a mournful cry with a crying tone.

Bullying people is really bullying people too much. There is no such thing as someone who clearly said to count three times. Tears, mixed with nosebleeds, flowed down He Dazongmen's cheeks, so sad and indignant, so sad.


"Okay, let's forget about today's affairs, I don't care about you anymore, you can go." Finally, Gu Fenghua clapped his hands, and He Gantai said with a magnanimous face.

"As expected of the second grade of Tiansheng, my hands are numb from the shock, and I am exhausted." After finishing speaking, Gu Fenghua murmured in a low voice. It has to be said that the cultivation base of the second rank of Tiansheng is indeed extraordinary. Although He Gantai hadn't been able to fight back for a long time, the shock of the instinctive holy spirit still made her hands and feet numb, and Miss Gu Jiawu was really tired.

He Gantai almost burst into tears on the spot when he heard Gu Fenghua's words: I didn't say anything when I was beaten, but you feel that your hands are numb and tired, what is the law of heaven, what is the law of heaven...

Finally freed from the sea of ​​suffering, He Gantai wished he could grow wings and fly away from this sinking ground, which was more terrifying than the abyss of hell, but his whole body was in unbearable pain, as if his bones were falling apart, and he couldn't stand up after a few struggles.

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