My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2378 finally lived up to the entrustment of the ancestors

"I had already left when the sect's accident happened, so I don't know if there are other restrictions in this barrier, you still have to be careful." After finishing the last sentence, Gui Yezi returned to the Yaomu cauldron again.

Gu Fenghua nodded, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes slightly, and made his handprint again.

Although relying on her powerful divine sense, she learned Gui Yezi's full set of handprints in the same way, but she just swallowed them whole, and the mystery of it had to be slowly realized.

Gui Yezi did not hesitate to hurt his vitality, and repeatedly reminded her by personally showing up. Of course, she did not dare to underestimate the sect-protecting formation of the Burning Heaven Sect, let alone be careless in the slightest.

Yu Boqian, Fatty Bai, and Luo Enen also knew that there was a hidden danger in the enchantment formation in front of them, so they didn't dare to disturb her, and waited quietly by the side.

Unknowingly, a few hours passed, the sky revealed a fishy white, and at the dawn of dawn, Gu Fenghua opened his eyes and stood up again.

"Are you ready?" Lonen asked expectantly.

She is full of curiosity about this ancient sect in the enchantment, and can't wait to find out.

"Okay, I'll start to open the barrier now." Gu Fenghua said brightly. She is equally curious about Burning Tianzong.

"Do you want to rest for a while?" Yu Boqian said. Of course, he was more curious about the sect where the patriarch came from, but Gu Fenghua was just a guest after all, and he didn't want to see her make any mistakes.

"No need, I'm in good spirits." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

It didn't take much effort for her to comprehend the mudra before, and with the pure land of her spiritual heart, her recovery speed was much faster than before, no matter whether she was holy or spiritual.

After finishing speaking, Gu Fenghua came to the front of the enchantment, concentrated for a moment, and began to make handprints.

In the morning light, Dao Dao runes danced like elves again. The enchantment in front of him is also like water waves. Gradually, a passage appeared between the water waves, and as one after another handprints were printed, one after another runes danced, continuously extending towards the faint sect plaque.

Gu Fenghua made the last handprint, the water wave was restrained, and the passage finally extended under the plaque. "Fen Tianzong", three vigorous and ancient characters, also clearly appeared in front of several people.

Sure enough, the sect where the patriarch belonged back then was the Burning Heaven Sect! Yu Boqian knelt down on the ground, his face was full of joy and excitement, and two lines of tears rolled down his face.

It has been tens of thousands of years since Qingyang Sect was established. For tens of thousands of years, each generation of disciples of the Qingyang Sect has lost their lives because of the legacy left by their ancestors, trying to find the site of the last sect.

Today, he finally lived up to the entrustment of his ancestors and previous generations, and found the Burning Heaven Sect, not to open the barrier and let this ancient sect see the light of day again!

When he was excited, he looked at Gu Fenghua with even more respect. If it wasn't for her, even if he found the sect-protecting enchantment, he would never be able to open it. If he had to break it by force, he would destroy the sect's ruins, causing the sect to die without a place to die!

"Successful, successful!" Lornen didn't feel so much emotion, and when he saw the passage opened, he cheered and rushed in.

"Wait!" Gu Fenghua pulled her back.

"What's wrong?" Lonen asked strangely.

"Please, you are already a strong man in the Heavenly Sacred Realm, can you stop being so rash?" Gu Fenghua patted his forehead, and said helplessly to Lorne, "The passage is full of dangers, if you take a wrong step, you may be crushed to pieces. Even your cultivation in the Heavenly Sacred Realm may not be able to resist it."

"Is there such a thing?" Lonen stuck out her tongue and said embarrassedly.

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