Although their strength is not too strong, most of them have reached the realm of Profound Sage. Dozens of them strike at the same time, and the sword power is layered and powerful, and its power is not weak. However, when these sword lights cut into the raging flames, they disappeared instantly like stones sinking into the sea.

"Quick back!" Gu Fenghua shouted.

"Back, back quickly!" Yu Boqian also shouted in shock.

The disciples of the Qingyang Sect who were running towards them stopped abruptly. When the sword glows dissipated into the raging flames, they had already sensed that something was wrong. When they heard Gu Fenghua's shout, their hearts tightened even more, and when they heard Yu Boqian's startled shout, they didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately backed away with all their strength.

"Huh!" Almost at the same time as they were retreating, in the midair, one after another fireballs flew towards them like meteors and landed on the place where they were standing before.

The valley with a radius of nearly a hundred feet turned into a sea of ​​flames. The soil on the ground instantly turned into coke under the high temperature, and then melted together with the surrounding gravel, forming a magma river that slowly flowed.

Guo Yuting and the others were all shaken by the powerful impact of the falling meteor. When they stood up, their faces were pale. Fortunately, they retreated in time, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the powerful power of the falling meteor.

At the same time, the tumbling flames flowed for nine days like a long river of flames, rushing unstoppably towards Gu Fenghua and the others.

The formation enchantment is nothing before the flames. But the passage collapsed, and Gu Fenghua and the others were trapped in the barrier, but they couldn't escape at all.

"One sword, break the sky!" Gu Fenghua had no choice but to cut out with one sword.

She has seen the terrifying power contained in the tumbling flames with her own eyes, and she dare not even have the slightest way to preserve her strength. Once she makes a move, it is her strongest sword skill.

"Beidou, Batian!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!" Fatty Bai and Lorn en shot at the same time.

"Qingyang, Absolute Sword!" Yu Boqian also drew his sword and slashed. However, Qingyangzong is good at refining weapons, and his sword skills are very average. Although this sword sounded loud, its sword power was lacklustre, so when he slashed this sword, he also threw out a few magic weapons for body protection, and quickly made fingerprints with his left hand.

At the critical moment, Gu Fenghua, Fatty Bai, and Luo Enen once again united their minds and minds, and the three sword lights condensed together, and their power doubled. However, the sword light cut into the raging flames, and the churning flames only paused for a moment, before pouring down violently again.

Even the slash of the three of them concentrated in this way had the same result, let alone Yu Boqian's slash, it didn't make any waves at all, and the slash he put all his strength into was dissipated in the flames. The next moment, his defensive magic weapons also melted and vaporized under the scorching heat, and turned into nothingness in a moment.

These magic tools were all his life's proud work, which cost a lot of top-quality fine gold and mithril, and even half his life's hard work. At this moment, seeing them destroyed easily, Yu Boqian didn't feel the slightest bit of heartache - his life is almost gone, who cares about heartache magic tools.

The raging flames poured out like a long river, and one could even hear the muffled rumbling sound like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, but in fact, it contained the meaning of anger and fury, hitting the depths of the heart directly, making people horrified.

Artifact spirit! Yu Boqian finally realized that this is the spirit of the pagoda. It is because of this weapon spirit that the pagoda has the power to move mountains and seas, and the former Burning Heaven Sect seniors were able to move the entire sect to Longyin Mountain and hide it there.

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