My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2383 The Force of the Phoenix Again

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and the entire valley was silent.

Among the grief that came early, no one noticed the surprised look in Gu Fenghua's eyes.


I don't know how long it took, until the rising sun clashed with the final darkness and cast a golden light that illuminated the valley. They still knelt on the ground, and their tears still fell silently, soaking the ground under their feet.

"Lord Sovereign, should you let them get up first? I'm not used to this state." Suddenly, a female voice as sweet as the sounds of nature came from my ear.

Guo Yuting and the others raised their heads abruptly, and saw Gu Fenghua's light and playful smile.

"She's not dead, she's not dead!" Everyone rubbed their eyes subconsciously, looked at Gu Fenghua in disbelief, then at the unscathed white fat man and Luo Enen beside her, and finally at Yu Boqian who opened his mouth wide and looked even more shocked than them.

"Lord Sovereign!" Everyone got up and cheered in surprise, the tears that had just stopped poured out again, of course, this time it was not because of sadness, but because of joy.

The sea of ​​flames where the meteor fell has been extinguished, and the flowing magma river has dried up, but the collapsed passage in the barrier has not been restored, so even though they were extremely surprised, they still did not dare to go forward, but stayed in place obediently, for fear of accidentally touching some restriction and hurting the life of the suzerain.

"Just now, what happened just now?" Hearing the surprise cheers from his disciples, Yu Boqian finally woke up like a dream, and asked with a confused face.

When the ancient divine bird swooped down, he thought he was bound to die, but who would have thought that when the ancient divine bird spread its wings and exploded fiercely, enveloping him in raging fire, he didn't feel the slightest bit of scorching heat, but instead felt a warmth that he had never experienced before.

In an instant, a picture that had been dusty for a long time appeared in his mind. A young and gentle woman opened her arms and embraced him. Her smile was so kind and loving—it was his mother's embrace, a memory he had long forgotten when he was a child. Amidst the loud bang, his whole body trembled with tears streaming down his face, and his mind was blank.

When he regained consciousness again, he saw Gu Fenghua's bright and beautiful face, but the ancient divine bird and the churning flame had long since disappeared without a trace.

Except for the barrier channel that still collapsed, and the scorched ground that became black after the magma flowed, it was as if nothing had happened.

"Probably because the spiritual power of the ancient divine bird was exhausted and dissipated between heaven and earth." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

Next to him, Fatty Bai and Luo Enen both curled their lips: What spiritual power is exhausted and dissipated in the world, it is clearly the power of the phoenix!

They saw it right, the phantom of the flaming divine bird before was the power of the phoenix!

Even though they had seen Gu Fenghua collect the first phoenix power when they were in Xinghua Holy Temple Misty Cloud Valley, and saw Gu Fenghua collect the second phoenix power in Nether Sand Sea, but at this moment, seeing Gu Fenghua collect the third phoenix power, the two were still excited and almost cheered, but after hearing what Gu Fenghua said, they knew that she didn't want Yu Boqian to know the secret of the phoenix power, so they endured it with difficulty.

In fact, Gu Fenghua was even more excited than them at this moment. Seeing the raging flames pouring out like a long river earlier, even she was ready to die, but who would have thought that this raging flames came from the power of the phoenix!

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