My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2393 Fenghua, can you think of a way?

It stands to reason that when the soul-fixing card is opened and the map appears in front of the eyes, the imprint of the soul left by the master should also shine brightly at the same time, pointing out his current location. But why, the white spot of light in the middle of the soul-fixing card does not respond, at most it is a little brighter than before.

Yu Boqian quickly noticed this, and the smile froze on his face.

The flying runes gradually dissipated, and the dazzling silver star quietly dimmed. After a while, the huge map disappeared. Until then, the imprint of the soul left by Mo Tianxing remained unchanged.

"How could this be?" Yu Boqian said in disappointment and puzzlement.

Gu Fenghua had clearly activated the soul-fixing card, the incomparably exquisite Sky Profound Artifact, the abundant and condensed holy energy that seemed to be endless, and the unbelievably powerful divine sense, all of which made him completely admire him, but the suzerain's soul imprint did not move at all. What's going on?

Gui Yezi frowned, seemingly puzzled.

Of course, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai also looked puzzled. Seeing the previous movement, they all thought that Gu Fenghua had successfully activated the soul-fixing card and would be able to find Mo Xingtian's whereabouts immediately.

"We all overlooked one thing." Gu Fenghua wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and said without hesitation, "It has been tens of thousands of years since Sect Master Mo left the imprint of the soul. Although there are many restrictions on the soul-fixing card, the power of the soul will always dissipate. After such a long time, the spirit has long been insufficient."

Gui Yezi and Yu Boqian were on the outside, so it was inevitable that they were confused. She held the soul-fixing card in her hand, and she was very clear about the changes in it. She could easily feel that the soul imprint left by Mo Tianxing was too weak, and there was only a trace of spiritual power left. Although the soul-fixing card had been activated, the soul brand could not resonate with it at all.

"That's right, why didn't I think of it." Yu Boqian patted his forehead and said with a frustrated expression.

"I ignored this matter, Fenghua, can you think of a way?" Gui Yezi also suddenly realized, nodded, and looked at Gu Fenghua expectantly.

"Perhaps, stimulating the mana of the Soul-fixing card to the extreme can forcibly touch the imprint of the soul of the suzerain." Gu Fenghua said speculatively.

Besides, she couldn't think of any other way.

"Is there any danger?" Yu Boqian said worriedly.

If they want to save the suzerain, this imprint of the soul is the only way to survive. If something goes wrong, they don't even have a chance to regret it.

"Be careful, there should be no danger." Gu Fenghua said.

"Then try it, Fenghua, I'm going to work hard on you again." Gui Yezi said without hesitation to Gu Fenghua's reassurance.

Having been with Gu Fenghua for so long, he has already gotten to know Gu Fenghua well enough to know that she has always been very measured in her actions, and that she would never be reckless in such an important matter.

"Senior is out of touch. I will definitely do what I promised you." Gu Jianhua said with a smile.

Although her smile was still so soft, her eyes were extremely firm. Either don't promise, and if you promise, you must do it. This is the reason why she refused to agree to Gui Yezi's vague request.

In the following days, Gu Fenghua began to activate the soul-fixing disk with all his strength, trying to find the whereabouts of Mo Tianxing, the suzerain of the Burning Heaven Sect.

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