My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2401 never retreat half a step

"It was indeed us who wounded He Gantai, but we did not have any malice towards Chen Huozong. It was only because he deceived others so much that we had to act out of righteousness." Gu Fenghua said neither humble nor overbearing, and walked forward.

"Presumptuous, my patriarch personally came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, yet you still dare to slander my patriarch with falsehoods!" Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, the dozens of elite disciples of the Chenhuo Sect were furious.

"Shut up! With the old man here, it's not your turn to be old or young." Ge Dongyang shouted in a deep voice.

It's not that they think there's anything wrong with their words, but that they, as the sect's juniors, started yelling one by one before they even opened their mouths.

Seeing that the ancestor was displeased, those young disciples of Chenhuozong quickly shut up, but they looked at Gu Fenghua with more hostility.

"At a young age, it's really not easy to have such a cultivation level. God has the virtue of good life, for the sake of your youth and ignorance, I don't want to make things difficult for you before. You kowtow to Qiantai, apologize, and then go." Seeing that Gu Fenghua was neither humble nor overbearing in front of him, and had the courage to fight for reason, Ge Dongyang gave her a high look, waved his big hand, and said imposingly.

Thinking about his own age, he didn't know how many years to live, but the other party was young and had a great opportunity. He didn't know what achievements he would have in the future, so he didn't want to make a strong enemy for Chen Huozong easily, so he had to be forgiving and forgiving.

"What did you say?" Luo Enen looked at Ge Dongyang like an idiot.

Is this old man too old and confused, and anyone in his eyes is young and ignorant? He even kowtowed to apologize, thanks to him being able to tell, if they were really so cowardly and incompetent, they wouldn't have beaten He Gantai like that back then.

"I'm giving you one last chance. Kowtow to apologize now. Don't meddle in the affairs of the Qingyang Sect. You can still save your life and your cultivation. Otherwise, don't blame the old man for bullying the younger!" Ge Dongyang felt uncomfortable with Luo Enen's idiot-like eyes, stomped his feet heavily, and shouted sharply.

"Senior Ge, I have already said that He Gantai is too deceitful. We are just acting out of honor, so there is no need to kowtow to apologize. Also, Sect Master Yu and we are friends who have forgotten the age. The Qingyang Sect's affairs are our affairs. We will never stand idly by, let alone stay out of it. If you insist on bullying the younger, you can't blame us for disrespecting the elders." Gu Fenghua still had a calm expression on his face.

Don't look at Miss Gu Jiawu's appearance is weak and weak, but she is more arrogant than anyone else in her heart. How can she apologize to a brazen person like He Gantai, let alone kowtow to apologize?

The Qingyang Sect is actually the Burning Heaven Sect, and it is only because of the eldest grandson Luo Cang that it is temporarily used to deceive people. The sealing barrier behind the sect is actually the site of the Burning Heaven Sect, so how can they stay out of it.

Although he knew that this old man's strength was extraordinary, but Gu Fenghua would never back down!

"Okay, okay, it's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and relying on their strength, they don't pay attention to the old man. I don't respect the elders, I want to see if you have the qualifications!" Seeing that Gu Fenghua is so ungrateful, Ge Dongyang also flew up and slapped her.

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