My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2413 What's wrong with this?

"Beidou, Batian!"

"Jiutian, Huanlei!" Fortunately, when they were in a hurry, Fatty Bai and Luo Enen made a move.

The formation was shattered, Yu Boqian and others were seriously injured, and they had no power to fight at all. I only hope that Fatty Bai, Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua will join forces, and with their strength in the heavenly realm, they can compete with the heavy-eyed bird.

Fatty Bai and Lornen were not as optimistic as they had expected. Their expressions were extremely serious, and there was even a bit of despair in their eyes. The strength of this ancient divine bird is too strong, like a sword concentrated by the three of them, it may not be able to block it, and the two of them are already ready to fight to the death.

At this moment, a dazzling flame suddenly burned on the long sword in Gu Fenghua's hand.

A mysterious aura also enveloped her body, so majestic and holy.

The heavy-eyed bird that was swooping down suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if being tightly held by an invisible big hand, and could no longer move. It trembled all over, let out a terrified whimper, and drooped its wings. There is no trace of the majesty of an ancient beast, like a defeated rooster.

What's the matter? Below, everyone was stunned again.

Gu Fenghua's face showed extreme surprise! The power of the phoenix, at a critical moment, she unexpectedly destroyed the power of the phoenix again inexplicably!

"The power of the beast, it turns out that the power of the beast is in your hands! Quick, quick, do it, as long as you get the power of the beast, you can become a real double-eyed bird!" Ge Dongyang said incoherently, and finally roared almost crazily.

When other people heard this sentence, they were all at a loss and even more puzzled, but Gu Fenghua had a flash of inspiration and finally fully understood.

Sure enough, as she guessed, the reason why Ge Dongyang approached Qingyangzong was not to extort money, nor was it simply to seize Qingyangzong's property, but for another purpose. But fortunately, he didn't know the secret of Burning Heaven Sect, he was only attracted by the power of the Phoenix.

Presumably the artifact pagoda was severely damaged and no one repaired it, so that the power of the phoenix leaked out and was noticed by the heavy-eyed bird. And the double-eyed bird itself has serious flaws, it was a giant old hen when it was not transformed, so that's why it came up with the idea of ​​Phoenix Force.

Of course, before that, they didn't know that the power of the beast was left by the ancient phoenix.

The heavy-eyed bird was already trembling with fright from the majesty of the beast contained in the power of the phoenix, and it was only one step away from surrendering to the ground. Hearing Ge Dongyang's roar, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he spread his wings again.

However, before the wings were fully unfolded, Gu Fenghua's scabbard had already landed on its head. Amidst the loud "boom", a ball of flame shot out from Gu Fenghua's long sword, falling to the ground like a flying fire meteor, and exploded violently.

The heavy-eyed divine bird screamed and was sent flying.

While you are sick, I will kill you! Gu Fenghua seldom urged the power of the beast contained in the power of the phoenix, but he didn't dare to give the heavy-eyed bird the slightest chance to turn around, and before it landed, he flew after him like a shadow.

"Boom, boom, boom..." One after another, sword glows landed on Chong-eyed Bird's head. A cluster of flames also exploded.

Although the double-eyed bird is known as one of the ancient divine birds, how can it compare with the ancient phoenix known as the emperor of the divine bird? It was knocked dizzy and rolled all over the ground, spitting out blood from its mouth. There was no trace of murder in its eyes, drooping its wings, and let out helpless whines from its mouth.

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