My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2426 I'm afraid it's not that easy

"That's right, that's right, it's extra sweet, delicious and thirst-quenching, and even the food cooked by the beautiful man these days has become particularly delicious." Luo Enen nodded repeatedly and added.

Well, a foodie is a foodie, and you can’t say anything without eating and drinking. Gu Fenghua patted his forehead, and continued, "Actually, these mountain springs contain the aura of heaven and earth. Although they are extremely small, they are long and long. There are hundreds of springs and waterfalls in the mountains, large and small, and there are springs hidden in dark places that we have not discovered. It is more appropriate to say that they are scattered all over the place. Tell me, if these springs and waterfalls that contain aura of heaven and earth are combined, what will be the result?"

"Formation? Fenghua, you mean, this spring and waterfall form a formation!" Fatty Bai and Luo Enen said in unison.

Although neither of the two's formation skills can be said to be superb, but their cultivation has reached the realm of heavenly sages, and they have a deeper understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. After comprehending by analogy, their comprehension of the way of formation is far better than before, and they immediately understood the meaning of Gu Fenghua's words.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua nodded.

"Changsun Luocang is worthy of being one of the eighteen envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven. He was able to use mountain springs and waterfalls to form a formation. Such a method, let alone done by ordinary people, is probably unimaginable." Fatty Bai said with emotion. He didn't belittle him because of the deep blood feud with Changsun Luocang, but his eyes became more tenacious and resolute while expressing emotion.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Fatty Bai appreciatively. Only by facing up to the strength of the enemy can he become stronger and take revenge. Belittling the enemy blindly, or even seeing the enemy as stupid as a pig or dog, will only make people arrogant and ignorant, so stupid, how can they become strong, let alone revenge, on the bumpy road of cultivation, whether they can live to the day of revenge is a question.

"His methods may not be as strong as we imagined. If these springs and waterfalls do not coincide with the way of heaven and earth, even if he has the ability to change the world, he may not be able to form a formation with it." Although Fatty Bai's eyes became more tenacious and resolute, Gu Fenghua was still worried that seeing the strength of Changsun Luocang again would bring him too much pressure and affect his state of mind, so he added.

Fatty Bai nodded, his expression was not as serious as before, and he relaxed a lot.

"That is to say, as long as we break through the formation, we will be able to find Sect Master Mo?" Luo Enen also said excitedly, relieved.

After searching back and forth in the mountains for so many days, sometimes flying across the sky, sometimes climbing over mountains and mountains, but she couldn't find any clues for a long time. Even if she was not tired, she was really a little irritable.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, but I can only try." After Gu Fenghua finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.

Most of these springs and waterfalls in Yuquan Mountain have been reflected in her mind. These days, while she is looking for Mo Tianxing's whereabouts, she has already begun to deliberate on the formation, but the way of the formation is the same as the way of alchemy and tools.

The figures of several people continued to walk through the mountains, and time passed quietly.


While Gu Fenghua and his entourage were searching for Mo Tianxing's whereabouts, a million miles away from Yuquan Mountain, on a cliff piercing the clouds into the sky, in an ancient hall, an old man who was crossing his knees and closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Master!" The two women in front of him stepped forward at the same time, they both looked worried, and they were Liang Ruolan and Zhong Wanying. And this old man is, of course, the eldest grandson Luo Cang, one of the six great sages under the seat of Tianji sage.

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