My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2434 Doomed to be caught by her

"Don't look at this girl as tall and rough. She doesn't look like a woman at all, but she is the most masculine. Although our sects can't be called great sects, there will always be one or two young juniors with extraordinary aptitude and outstanding appearance. In order to train these juniors, we will spare no effort.

As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind, these young heroes are gradually becoming famous, how could they not be discovered by her. And as long as she takes a fancy to him, he will be doomed, either by coercion or lure, or by pills, or even by the overlord. In short, the most outstanding young men of various sects will lose their reputation in nine out of ten.

Some were devastated because of the humiliation, some were devastated by grief and indignation, and some even committed suicide in anger! In short, the young heroes that our various sects worked so hard to cultivate are almost completely destroyed in her hands. "An old man next to him gritted his teeth and said.

Threats and lures, pills to captivate the soul, and the overlord force his bow! The fat white man's face became very ugly.

It turned out that this was the case, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen suddenly realized, and there was always a strange feeling in their hearts.

It stands to reason that a man would never suffer too much in this kind of thing, let alone a matter of reputation, what should not happen to a man because of humiliation, what is grief, indignation, and chaos, let alone commit suicide in anger. However, looking at the appearance of the young patriarch of Yuchi with the Yan chin, the tiger face, the leopard head and the eyes, the tiger-backed bear, the big waist and the round waist, which is two times stronger than the white fat man, they felt it was understandable.

But fortunately, I am also a woman, so there is nothing to worry about. After understanding the cause and effect, Luo Enen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression became much more relaxed.

She wasn't worried anymore, but the fat white man lowered his head, his face tensed, and he looked like I was terrified.

It's really a turn of events.

"You don't have to be afraid, handsome man. The young suzerain of Yuchi has never touched a single leaf among thousands of flowers. I have seen so many young heroes, and my vision and taste have long been high. I may not like you." Seeing the panic of the white fat man, Luo Enen "kindly" comforted him, but learned the charm of his previous words of comfort.

"Lonen, what do you mean by that? How do you know that others look down on me? I don't mind what I say..." The fat man raised his head and said with dissatisfaction. It's ugly and disgusting, it's okay, as long as you don't look at me."

Both Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen looked surprised, only they knew how hard it would be for the fat man to admit that he was fat, ugly, or even ugly.

In fact, Fatty Bai is just a little fatter. If you look closely, you will find that he has sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose bridge, and well-defined facial features.

I don't know how much pressure the Young Suzerain of Yuchi put on him to make him say these words.

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