My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2454 want to laugh but the occasion is wrong

Gu Fenghua and the others also widened their eyes at the same time. They had to admit that this Moyu Qianyun Crane was indeed very mysterious. When it carried Situ Yunqi into the air and flew away, it was as fast as lightning, and the crane's head emitted cold and cold lights. The general barriers might not be able to stop it, but the problem is, where does it fly?

With that muffled sound, Situ Yunqi and Mohe under his feet paused at the same time, and then was jolted back like a rubber ball, just in time to return to several people.

"Senior Situ, are you alright?" Looking at Situ Yunqi who was lying on Mo He's back with a big green bag on his head, Loenen said worriedly and sympathetically.

"It's okay, it's okay, you guys have seen how powerful this Moyu Qianyunhe is." The old liar got up from the ground, clutched the green bag on his forehead, and said to Gu Fenghua and the others.

"Well, it's quite powerful, but the barrier is set on the mountain, why are you bumping into the cliff?" Gu Fenghua asked jokingly, suppressing a smile.

"It hasn't been used for too long, and the handprints are a bit rusty. I'll show you guys again." Rao, the old liar with a thicker skin than a city wall, was once again as red as a monkey's butt. Concealing the embarrassment in his heart, Situ Yunqi quickly made his handprint again.

A strange light flashed, the black crane hung in the air, and the old liar flew up, stretched out his hand and pointed... Bang, the low and muffled sound came again.

Afterwards, the old liar lay sprawled in front of Gu Fenghua and the others again, two nosebleeds shot up into the sky like a fountain.

Gu Fenghua and the others looked at each other, their sympathetic gazes turned into pity.

"It's unfamiliar, it's unfamiliar, don't worry, it will succeed next time." Before a few people could speak, the old liar got up, holding his nose. This time the bump was even harder, and when he stood up, he spun around a few times, finally regained his footing, and then made a series of handprints again.

"Hey, come with me." Gu Fenghua sighed and walked straight forward. When I came to the courtyard door and pushed lightly, the courtyard door opened silently.

Luo Enen and the others were startled, then looked back at Situ Yunqi with an unusually bright expression.

Situ Yunqi typed half of the printing and stopped abruptly, his hand was still in the air, his eyes were looking straight at Gu Fenghua, his nosebleeds were still flowing like a waterfall, his expression full of shock and wanting to cry was even more exciting than that of Luo Enen and others.

"Come on, don't waste time." Gu Fenghua beckoned.

"How did you open the barrier?" The old liar put away the heirloom, wiped his nosebleeds and followed closely, asking with a puzzled expression.

"The gate of the courtyard was not closed at all, maybe the eldest lady of the Niu family was too impatient and forgot." Gu Fenghua shook his head and handed over a handkerchief.

The old liar took the handkerchief and wiped the nosebleed all over his face, looking like he wanted to cry even more.

Fatty Bai and the others wanted to laugh, but the occasion was wrong, so they held back.

The yard has three entrances and three exits, and it is not small. From a distance, one can see the red light of a candle from a bedroom, and a figure is reflected on the closed window. Look at that majestic physique, she is the eldest lady of the Niu family.

Holding his breath and resting his mind, Gu Fenghua walked towards the courtyard lightly, while concentrating his spiritual thoughts and went to check on Miss Niu's family. Fortunately, Situ Yunqi didn't make much noise before, and the eldest lady of the Niu family was so focused on the bridegroom that she didn't notice it, and there was nothing unusual about it.

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