My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2467 the reversal of the old liar

Under this sword, Niu Qianding's injury was a little heavier, but the holy energy and the power of the holy source contained in the holy soul orb kept pouring into the meridians, and his recovery speed was faster.

Unless they can kill him with a single blow, Niu Qianding will be able to recover sooner or later with this holy soul orb. By that time, most of them would be exhausted without him doing anything.

"Hahahaha, now you know the difference between the eighth grade of Tiansheng and the first grade of Tiansheng? Die, you are all going to die!" Niu Qianding laughed wildly.

Although he was seriously injured this time, after healed, the Holy Soul Orb would be greatly affected, and he might not be able to recover in a few hundred years, but with his cultivation base, he would have at least a thousand years of lifespan.

The expressions of Gu Fenghua and the others became more dignified than ever before, and their hearts almost fell to the bottom. Niu Qianding went crazy, but he was right, if things go on like this, they will only die!

However, the few people did not give up because of this, they clenched the hilt of their swords and continued to gather their holy energy desperately. From Tianji Continent step by step to today, they don't know how many times they have experienced life and death, how could they just give up?

"Don't waste your time, you have no chance of surviving. Be obedient and die, and I can leave you a whole body, otherwise, I will crush your bones and ashes, and make you suffer so much!" Of course, Niu Qianding could see that Gu Fenghua and the others were trying their best to gather the holy energy, but he didn't take it seriously at all, just said with a grim face.

"Isn't it the Holy Soul Orb? After all, you're not a Heavenly Sage, you're not an Emperor Sage, what's the big deal, cough, cough..." At this moment, a low-breathed voice suddenly came from behind, and after saying this, he coughed heavily.

Niu Qianding's ferocious smile paused slightly, then he turned his head suddenly, and saw Situ Yunqi's pale face.

He is not dead yet! Niu Qianding was startled, when he struck just now, he could see clearly that the opponent was only at the ninth rank of Profound Sage, even if he reserved his palm and didn't use all his strength, it was not something a ninth rank Profound Sage could bear, how could he have survived till now.

Just when he was shocked, the old liar raised his hand, and a golden bowl flew out. If you look closely, it looks like a medicine mortar for pounding medicine.

The mortar flew into the air and sprinkled thousands of golden lights. The golden light is like silk, and it actually entangles and restrains the eight holy soul beads! No more holy air flowed into his body, and the rapidly healing wound on Niu Qianding's chest also stopped, and blood continued to gurgle out.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fenghua and the others were almost speechless from ear to ear in shock. Unexpectedly, this old liar is not dead, look at the pool of blood under his feet, it is almost congealed into a spring, I really don't know where he has such tenacious vitality, let alone that he has such a magical weapon that can restrain the Holy Soul Orb.

Fortunately, several people knew the identity of the old liar long ago, and after thinking about it for a while, they were relieved again.

Walking too much at night and running into ghosts, the old liar has been bluffing and cheating for so many years, how can he not miss a time, if he doesn't have some tenacious vitality, how can he survive until now? His Situ family is based on alchemy, and it has been passed down from generation to generation, and his younger brother is a generation of alchemy, so how could he not have a magic weapon at the bottom of the box to save his life.

There is another reason, that is, according to the old liar, he should have been "beaten severely" by his younger brother often. Being beaten like that by his younger brother must have developed an extraordinary ability to bear it, right?

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