"It turns out that Qingyang did not disappoint me, but it's a pity that he was born at an untimely time. With his aptitude, if there hadn't been that catastrophe, he should have become a great master." Only then did Mo Tianxing know Yu Boqian's background, and said with emotion.

"Master, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go back and talk about it in detail." Gui Yezi said worriedly.

Although Niu Qianding was no longer a threat, and the evil spirits had been wiped out, the real mastermind behind the scenes was Changsun Luocang, who stayed in Yuchizong, and he was always uneasy.

"No, I can't leave now." Mo Tianxing shook his head and said.

"Why?" Lonen asked puzzled.

"If I'm not mistaken, it wasn't the two of you who saved me just now, but someone else." Mo Tianxing glanced at Gui Yezi and Yu Boqian, then turned his gaze to the others, and finally stopped on Gu Fenghua, leaned forward and said, "Thank you for saving this girl's life, I am very grateful."

"Senior, how did you find out?" Lonen looked at Mo Tianxing in surprise.

When Gu Fenghua came to the rescue just now, he had obviously shut down his six senses. After waking up, he could tell who saved him at a glance. His eyesight is too terrifying.

"The reason why I closed my six senses is because my soul was devoured by that evil spirit, and I was already on the verge of being dissipated. Only the power of the phoenix of my Burning Heaven Sect can help me condense my soul, and that power of the phoenix is ​​on her body." Mo Tianxing said frankly without hiding anything.

"Senior, this junior didn't intend to steal people's love, but I had some fate with the power of the phoenix, so I refined it. I hope senior will forgive me." Hearing Mo Tianxing's words explain the mystery, Gu Fenghua felt a little embarrassed. Speaking of which, the power of the phoenix should be regarded as the treasure of the Burning Heaven Sect, and if they were to switch to another sect, no matter how desperate they were, they would definitely try their best to get it back.

"You misunderstood, the power of the phoenix is ​​not owned by me, the Burning Sky Sect, but it was left by the senior who founded the sect. Before leaving, she once confessed that if anyone had the opportunity to refine it, the disciples of the Burning Sky Sect would never stop it, and the reason why she left the Phoenix Power in the Burning Sky Sect was to find someone who was destined, so how could I blame you?" Mo Tianxing waved his hand and said.

"By the way, I don't know who the senior who founded the Burning Heaven Sect was?" Hearing what Mo Tianxing said, Gu Fenghua felt relieved and asked curiously.

If an ordinary person encounters the power of an ancient divine beast like the power of the phoenix, even if he cannot refine it himself, he would never want to take advantage of others. This senior actually left it in the Burning Heaven Sect to wait for someone with a destiny. She really admires her kindness.

"That senior is long gone, and you may not know it, but it is said that tens of thousands of years ago, he was a peerless genius of the Wuji Shengtian generation, named Tantai Yunsu!" Mo Tianxing said with respect and fascination.

"What!" Upon hearing this, everyone present except Yu Boqian exclaimed.

It was her again!

"Have you ever heard of the name of Senior Tantai?" This time, it was Mo Tianxing's turn to be surprised.

"The younger generation's family happens to have some connections with Senior Tantai, so I know a little about her life." Gu Fenghua explained simply.

Like Gui Yezi, she always felt a little uneasy staying in this enchantment, and didn't want to waste time explaining too much. If you have any questions, just go back and talk about it in detail.

"In this way, this is also a chance." Mo Tianxing didn't ask any more questions, and after a word of emotion, he immediately said to Gu Fenghua, "The one you used just now should be the Sky Profound Artifact passed down by my Burning Heaven Sect, right?"

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