Seeing the distressed appearance of Gu Fenghua and his party, several Shouzong disciples also showed doubts, but like the Yuchi Sect disciples, due to Gu Fenghua's status as "Danjun sect", they dared not ask questions. It was not until seeing Gu Fenghua took out the Yuchi Token that a Shouzong disciple said in surprise: "Yuchi Token! How come the Young Sect Master's Yuchi Token is in your hands?"

"Your family's young suzerain and we hit it off, especially for our companion, who hated seeing each other so late, so he gave us the Yuchi Token." The fat white man opened his mouth to talk nonsense, and while talking, he patted Ye Wuse's shoulder, showing an ambiguous smile of "you understand".

"So that's how it is." Hearing Fatty Bai's first words, the few sect-keeping disciples were actually even more puzzled. The newlywed Yan Er Chunxiao was worth a thousand dollars at a moment, how could she take care of them?

Although my eldest lady sometimes has a slightly stronger taste, but that is just a change of taste occasionally after eating too much delicacies. Generally speaking, such a handsome man in front of me is the eldest lady's favorite. It's a pity that yesterday happened to be her big day. If she had met him earlier, the poor bridegroom might have escaped. Of course, it doesn't matter even if she becomes a relative. She can still come out for a change once in a while.

Thinking of this, their gazes at Ye Wuse became more ambiguous, and there was a bit of sympathy in them—the poor little white rabbit, I am afraid that sooner or later, they will not be able to escape the clutches of the eldest lady.

How did they know that the bridegroom who was stuffed into the eight-carrying sedan chair with his mouth covered yesterday was this very delicate and pure obedient little white rabbit in front of him.

Now that you understand me and everyone understands, of course they can also understand why Gu Fenghua and the others left Yuchizong in such a hurry. No matter who it is, if the eldest lady of the family sees each other like old friends and hates to see each other later, I'm afraid they will behave the same as them.

If it was someone else, they might have to stop it, but they are members of the "Danjun" sect, and they have the Yuchi Token presented by their eldest lady, how dare they offend? Seeing that Gu Fenghua was holding the token in his hand and injecting holy energy into it, they all stepped aside.

The runes on the token flashed, and soon, the stone ladder that crossed the abyss appeared out of thin air, and Gu Fenghua and the others flew up, rushing outward with the fastest speed.

Suddenly, a shadow descended from the sky, covering several people under it.

Grandson Luo Cang! Looking up, Gu Fenghua saw his eldest grandson Luocang flying down from the top of the mountain! Dao Dao palm shadows, also like a tumbling tide, rushed towards them.

This old man is really lingering, Mo Tianxing sacrificed his life, but failed to disperse his holy soul body, and let him catch up so quickly.

"One sword, break the sky!"

"Beidou, Batian!"

"Nine days, Phantom Thunder!"

"Holy Soul, Tianpo!" Flying on the stone ladder, there was an abyss on both sides. Gu Fenghua and the others had nowhere to hide, so they could only slash out with all their strength.

The strength of Changsun Luocang is really too strong, they even have the will to die with this sword.

However, the subsequent results were completely beyond their expectations. The sword glow, cut in the shadows of the palms, shook the whole body of several people, and a mouthful of blood spewed out again, and the figure of Changsun Luocang who rushed down was also violently paused, and then flew back backwards.

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