My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2488 Bandit is still an eminent monk?

What made them sweat even more was that after fighting for so long, he still didn't recognize his eldest grandson Luo Cang, and he was still swearing loudly. A tall and strong man with a leopard head and eyes, and a thin, old man with white hair like snow, how could he see his eldest grandson Luo Cang as Niu Qianding? With just this look, how can he tell that Ye Wuse has roots of wisdom?

Could it be a mistake, he is not actually Ye Wuse's master? By the way, he didn't seem to have mentioned Ye Wuse, only mentioned the disciple's Dharma name of "No Restraint". It's a pity that time was running out, and I forgot to ask about Ye Wusei's Dharma name, and I don't know if it was him who the fat monk said about not quitting? If not, with his eyes, it is not surprising that he regards Ye Wuse as his precious apprentice.

Gu Fenghua took out a few pills and gave Ye Wuse a drink, and was about to ask what was going on, when he heard a muffled groan, the fat monk was slapped on the chest by the palm of the grandson Luocang, dragging his Zen stick while walking back a few steps, the last lazy donkey rolled, and then lost the strength of his palm to stabilize his figure and climbed up.

Seeing his lazy donkey rolling without the slightest image of an eminent monk, Gu Fenghua and the others felt a chill again.

"Where did you come from, such a reckless man, how dare you be rude to this old man!" Changsun Luocang scolded angrily.

As one of the Eighteen Monarch Envoys, he can be said to be under one person and hundreds of millions of people in Wuji Shengtian. One sentence can determine the life and death of countless people, but he has been repeatedly frustrated when he wants to kill a mere Gu Fenghua.

"Aren't you Niu Qianding?" The fat monk said in surprise with his eyes narrowed, and he didn't know if he finally saw the eldest grandson Luocang clearly, or heard something wrong with the voice.

"Hmph!" Changsun Luocang snorted coldly. If it weren't for the fact that it was only the holy soul body, and his strength was greatly reduced after being seriously injured, he really wanted to slap this reckless monk to death.

Relying on his identity, he didn't even bother to reveal his identity to this reckless monk. He believed that as long as he saw his face clearly, he would retreat without a fight, and even knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Whoever you are, if you dare to hurt my precious apprentice, you must be with Niu Qianding. I will kill you first to avenge my precious apprentice, and then I will light Niu Qianding's sky lantern later!" Unfortunately, Changsun Luocang is doomed to be disappointed.

Maybe he still didn't see his face clearly, just by his voice, he could tell that the person in front of him was not Niu Qianding, maybe he could see clearly, but he didn't know what the envoy of Luo Cang, one of the eighteen envoys of Wuji Holy Heaven, looked like.

Light up the sky lantern? Gu Fenghua and the others wiped their foreheads again. What kind of eminent monk is this? He is clearly a bandit.

Changsun Luocang hastily responded to the battle just now, which allowed him to seize the opportunity and forced him to be clumsy. Now that he had time to deal with it calmly, how could he take advantage of it again? With a movement of his body, he passed through the shadow of his disorganized staff, and slapped him on the chest again.

This palm was so powerful that the fat monk paused, then got up off the ground, and was sent flying by his palm. However, this man was quite sturdy, he fell to the ground and rolled a few times, roared wildly, and rushed up again holding his Zen staff high.

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