"Probably not. Although his stick technique is a bit rough, he is born with supernatural power and has extremely strong physical defense. Even if he can't fight Changsun Luocang, if he wants to escape, Changsun Luocang will not be able to keep him." Gu Fenghua said with certainty.

Luo Enen and the others thought about it, and they all agreed with her words, and they were all relieved.

"By the way, colorless, is that old man Buddha your master?" Luo Enen asked curiously again.

Gu Fenghua and the others were secretly amused, and looked at Ye Wuse curiously when thinking of the big fat monk who would light up the sky lantern and blow the wind for a while, when he was an old man, and then a Buddha.

But Ye Wuse closed his eyes tightly, as if he had never heard of Luo Enen's question, his face was also pale, with no trace of blood in sight.

"Wu Se, what's wrong with you!" Seeing Ye Wu Se's strange behavior, Gu Fenghua and the others were all nervous, they hurriedly surrounded him, and at the same time grabbed his veins.

Immediately, the expressions of the few people changed dramatically—not to mention Gu Fenghua's powerful spiritual sense, even if Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were far behind in their spiritual sense, they could clearly feel that Ye Wuse's vitality rushed out like a flood that burst a bank, and disappeared quickly.

"How could this happen, how could it be so colorless?" Luo Enen held Ye Wuse's hand tightly, tears welled up all at once.

"Wu Se, what's wrong with you, don't scare us!" The white fat man murmured to himself with red eyes, bent down, grabbed Ye Wu Se's skirt with trembling hands, and wanted to tear it open, but concentrated his holy energy with both hands, and the moon-white monk's robe was not damaged at all.

Obviously, this monk's robe looks ordinary, but it is actually an extremely powerful magic weapon.

"Don't scare me, don't scare me, you must have nothing to do, the big deal, I'll give you the title of the world's most beautiful man." The fat man didn't seem to realize this, he still grabbed his skirt with trembling hands, and tore it to the sides, but he couldn't tear it apart. Because of excessive anxiety and excessive force, his trembling fingers turned pale.

"Let me do it." Yu Boqian pushed forward and helped to unbutton the monk's robe.

Fatty Bai and Luo Enen were concerned about each other, but he and Ye Wusu didn't know each other. They had never met before coming to Yuchizong, and even Gu Fenghua and the others hadn't mentioned it to him, so they didn't have any friendship, so naturally they wouldn't be as chaotic as they were.

Unbuttoning the button, Yu Boqian slowly opened the monk's robe, only to see that Ye Wuse's chest was deeply sunken, obviously the sternum was completely shattered.

Luo Enen didn't expect Ye Wuse to be hurt so badly, and suddenly exclaimed, as if afraid of disturbing Ye Wuse, she immediately covered her mouth. In fact, Ye Wuse was so injured, it didn't matter if he was disturbed or not, but at this moment, Luo Enen was in grief, so how could he think so much.

Beside him, the fat white man was trembling all over, as if his heart was ashamed, and there was no light in his eyes.

Gu Fenghua bit his lips tightly, seemingly calmer, but his fingers were still trembling.

"His internal organs are all broken, and his pulse is broken. I'm afraid, I'm afraid..." Yu Boqian held Ye Wuse's veins, his voice was trembling, but he couldn't say anything after that.

Although he didn't have any friendship with Ye Wuse, he could see the friendship between Gu Fenghua and the others. Besides, it was thanks to Ye Wuse that he had lived and died together with Ye Wuse when he dealt with the evil spirits earlier. Seeing Ye Wuse's internal organs shattered and his pulse broken, it was obvious that he might have survived.

"No, no, nothing will happen, Fenghua, nothing will happen, right?" Lonen burst into tears and looked up at Gu Fenghua.

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