"Although the beautiful man has a second innate holy spirit root, there is a restriction on it." Gu Fenghua thought about it.

"Restriction?" Lornen became even more confused.

"Well, the restriction. Although I don't know what this restriction is about, I can feel it. Because of the existence of this restriction, it is much more difficult for the beauty to improve his cultivation. Every time he wants to make a big breakthrough, he must break through this restriction. The most frightening thing is that this restriction is not stable. Maybe when the restriction is broken, the Holy Spirit Root will burst. Once the power of the holy source explodes, the beauty's holy bead will explode, and he himself will be smashed to pieces.

Of course, this is just my feeling, maybe things aren't that bad. "Gu Fenghua said with a solemn expression, and finally added a sentence, but the added sentence sounded like self-comfort.

"How could this happen? How could he inexplicably condense the second Holy Spirit root, and how could there be restrictions? Could it be the eldest grandson Luocang, but even if he wanted to harm people, he didn't need to use the innate Holy Spirit root to do so?" Luo Enen became more surprised and confused the more he listened, and his mind couldn't turn around.

Not to mention Luo Enen, even Gu Fenghua himself was puzzled, which is why she didn't want to say more before. I can't even explain it clearly. Isn't it in vain to make everyone worry?

"Don't worry, it's not as scary as you think, and no one hurt me." At this moment, the fat man opened his eyes and said.

"Beautiful boy, you're alright!" Lornen opened her eyes in joy, and said with concern, putting all doubts behind her.

"It's all right, nothing at all." Fatty Bai stretched his waist, his eyes were radiant, there was indeed nothing wrong, and his complexion was even much better than before saving people.

"Great, you're fine, colorless is fine, everyone is fine!" Seeing this, Lornen was completely relieved and said happily.

"Beautiful boy, how did you save me?" Ye Wuse asked suddenly, but his expression was not as relaxed as hers, and his voice was a little low.

"That's it. Apart from refining the Dry Chan Pill, the Holy Qi of Dry Chan can save people. I didn't tell you before." The fat man said nonchalantly.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, causing us to worry for nothing." Luo Enen complained about Fatty Bai, but his face was full of joy, and he didn't ask further.

"Then why didn't you save him in the first place, and waited until Fenghua almost destroyed the root of the Holy Spirit before you rescued him?" Ye Wuse didn't let Fatty Bai go, but stared at Fatty Bai closely, asking with a serious face.

"I forgot." Fatty Bai looked around, avoiding Ye Wuse's staring gaze.

"Beautiful boy, you can fool Enen, but you can't fool us." Ye Wuse shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple to save people with dry Zen holy energy?"

Gu Fenghua also looked directly into Fatty Bai's eyes, Ye Wuse's question was also her question. If the Holy Qi of Dry Zen could save people at will, Fatty Bai would have done it long ago, so why wait until the last moment? Of course, what puzzled her even more was the sudden appearance of the second innate holy spirit root and the prohibition above it.

Lorne was dumbfounded. kindness? What do you mean by that? What does it mean to be able to deceive me, but not be able to deceive colorless and elegant? Was she despised for her intelligence again?

No, that's not the point! Is there any danger or hidden danger for Fatty Bai to save others?

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