My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2880 No response after calling again and again

"That's true. It seems that you can't be too careless during this Qi Dao Ceremony, Feng Hua." Luo Enen was deeply touched when she heard her mention Master Yijie. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that there were Buddhist disciples like that in the world, who were independent and very independent indeed.

Next to him, Ye Wuse, who was lacking in five elements, couldn't help but wipe off cold sweat.

"Okay, I'm going to start practicing the art of refining weapons. You should go back and practice as soon as possible." Gu Fenghua said.

"Well, I'll go out for a walk first and start practicing when I get back." Luo Enen said. The matter of Tianyun Purple Soul Gold was finally settled. She could go shopping and get over her shopping addiction.

"No." Gu Fenghui firmly dismissed her idea.

"Fenghua, let me go. I promise not to buy things randomly and not be cheated." Luo Enen shook Gu Fenghua's arm and begged pitifully. When he thought of something, he continued, "Oh, by the way, you are Aren't you worried about Duan Qingyun? He suffered such a big loss, and he probably won't come back for a while. Besides, with his identity, he said he was seeking revenge from you, so he shouldn't be in trouble with us, right?"

"I'm not afraid that you will be deceived. You are used to being deceived anyway. It's not a big deal if someone tries to deceive you again. I'm not worried about Duan Qingyun either. You are right. With his identity, he will lose his face once he makes a mistake. It shouldn't come back so soon, and even if it does, it won't be in trouble for you." Gu Fenghua said.

"Then what are you worried about?" Luo Enen asked doubtfully.

"If nothing unexpected happens, after the Qi Dao Ceremony is over, we will go to the Donghuang Secret Realm. Do you think Shen Muyun and others will willingly give up the Zixiao Divine Fire?

Don't ignore these weapon masters just because we defeated Ma Qianxiao. Last time it was just Ma Qianxiao who was unlucky and brought the Purple Gold Pot of Jade Liquid to Obsidian's mouth. We may not have such good luck against the others. Gu Fenghua said with a serious expression.

After hearing what she said, the expressions of Luo Enen and others also became solemn.

Gu Fenghua was right. The last battle against Ma Qianxiao was really due to luck. If the jade liquid purple gold pot was not a confinement artifact, but an attack or defense artifact, let alone Obsidian. , even an adult iron-eating beast may have difficulty coping with it.

"Then let's go back to the room to practice." Luo Enen was not a ignorant person. He immediately gave up the idea of ​​going shopping and went back to the room to practice with Ye Wuse and others.

Perhaps, a few days of practice would not allow them to make much improvement, but when strong people compete, victory or defeat is often a matter of millimeters. These few days of practice may allow them to save their lives.

After everyone left, Gu Fenghua was not in a hurry to practice the art of refining weapons immediately, but instead took out the Demonic Wood Cauldron.

"Senior Gui Yezi, how are you?" Gu Fenghua gathered his divine energy and shouted.

Last time, thanks to Gui Yezi's timely action, he used the Demonic Wood Cauldron to block Duan Qingyun's fatal blow. However, the spiritual power of the Yaomu Cauldron had not yet been fully restored at that time. Gui Yezi must have paid a heavy price for forcibly sacrificing the artifact—even the price of his life.

In the past few days, whenever he had time, Gu Fenghua would try to explore his situation, but his spiritual sense was still unable to penetrate into the deepest forbidden space of the Demonic Wood Cauldron. He called again and again, but there was no response.

Gu Fenghua's heart was also full of worries.

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