My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2896 The first competition begins

Of course, seeing the master refiners around Gu Fenghua at this time, Lu Fangyuan still doubted his previous decision. It is certainly not a bad thing to suffer some setbacks, but if the blow is too big and exceeds the limit of endurance, it will definitely be a huge bad thing.

The participants in the Qi Dao Dharma Conference this time are all masters and celebrities in the world of weapon refining. The youngest ones are all in their early forties. Gu Fenghua is really too young. Can she withstand the next blow?

Do you want to help her quietly so that she doesn't lose too badly? Lu Fangyuan secretly pondered and was secretly entangled. If you had made some preparations earlier, it would not be a big problem to help in secret now, but it is not easy to do it at the last moment. If the matter is exposed, not only will it not be able to help Gu Fenghua, but it will also cause her to be ruined, and the Wuji Chamber of Commerce will also be ruined. Disrepute will follow.

"The first competition will test your weapon refining skills of condensing weapon fire to smelt fine gold and mithril. Later, someone will send you fine gold and mithril. You only need to use the weapon fire to defeat the enemy within half an hour. Just melt it and then refine it into shape according to the pagoda in my hand." While Lu Fangyuan was secretly confused, Shen Muyun took out an exquisite pagoda about half a foot high and said.

At the same time, a famous chamber of commerce guard came in carrying a tray and placed it on a low table in front of the masters of weapon refining. The tray was covered with red silk. Obviously, the fine gold and mithril to be smelted was under the red silk.

Everyone in the audience stretched their necks subconsciously, wondering what kind of fine gold and mithril was underneath the red silk.

"Do you have any objections?" Shen Muyun asked after the guards left.

"No." All the weapon masters headed by Luo Zigao answered in unison, which was unusually uniform.

"Then I announce that the first competition has begun." Shen Muyun announced, and the Holy Hour Instrument next to him started running time.

"Brush", everyone unveiled the red silk almost at the same time.

"Sapphire and quicksand gold!" There was a sound of exclamation from all around.

In front of all the refining masters, there is the same fine gold and mithril, which is covered with green and green, but inside it is dots of gold sand, as if the stars in the sky have gathered into a river, flowing in the night sky, it is sapphire quicksand gold.

Some people looked at the more than 200 weapon-refining masters in the field, with a faint look of sympathy in their eyes.

Speaking of which, sapphire quicksand gold is not a rare and rare fine gold and mithril. It is not high grade and not expensive, but it is one of the most difficult to smelt fine gold and mithril.

Compared with other fine gold and mithril, the texture of sapphire quicksand gold is looser and more unstable. If you are not careful during refining, it may explode from it and turn into a pile of scrap iron. And because of the loose ground, it is easier for sapphire quicksand gold to be mixed with impurities. If it cannot be removed, even if it is successfully smelted, it will still be a pile of scrap iron. But it is not that easy to remove impurities. It is already difficult to smelt, and it is even more difficult to remove impurities.

It's no wonder that those people's eyes showed sympathy. Seeing the sapphire quicksand gold in front of them, many famous weapon masters had bitter smiles on their lips, and there was some regret in their eyes. It's really not that easy to get the Tianyun Purple Soul Gold. If you had known that this exam was so harsh, you might as well not have taken it.

Bitterness is bitterness, regret is regret, and with their status, it is impossible for them to give up without giving it a try. After a moment of silence, everyone began to perform the weapon skills.

In the holy dojo, runes flashed, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered, and flames swayed out. Although there were only more than 200 people participating in the competition, the momentum was extraordinary, and everyone in the surrounding audience was delighted to see it.

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