My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2903 There is no limit to the arrogance

At one glance, he almost laughed out loud. I thought that Gu Fenghua's weapon skills made the flowing clouds and flowing water so beautiful. The pagoda he finally made was so amazing that even he was a little worried. Who knew that although Gu Fenghua also made the last hand seal at the last moment, the pagoda he made was extremely ordinary, and from his point of view, it could even be said to be ugly.

I asked you to pretend to be X, I asked you to pretend to be a ghost, now you know you regret it!

"Next one." Shen Muyun and others reviewed Luo Zigao's pagoda and put it aside with some reluctance. Luo Zigao's Dragon Heart Artifact was indeed unique, and they wanted to wait a while to figure it out.

Gu Fenghua's position was right next to Luo Zigao. After hearing this, he presented the pagoda he had made on the stage.

"What the hell? It's so ugly." Ma Qianxiao muttered disdainfully, not even bothering to take a closer look.

He hated Gu Fenghua so much that he would not ignore her existence. He had been focusing on her just now. To be honest, he was shocked when he first saw Gu Fenghua's exquisite, mysterious and beautiful weapon skills. But later when he saw the pagoda gradually condensing into shape, he began to dismiss it: it took a long time. , it turned out to be just a show-off, and he actually had the nerve to show off this kind of garbage after refining it.

If it weren't for the fact that Shen Muyun was respected by several people and others couldn't speak easily in this situation, he would have been unable to help but ridicule Gu Fenghua.

"She has the nerve to ask all the masters of the art of weapons to criticize such scrap metal. She is not afraid of embarrassment." People in the audience did not have as many scruples as he did. Immediately, someone mocked.

"Looking at her handprints, I thought they were too special, but it turns out they are just horse dung skin with a shiny surface, which is just pretty." Someone echoed.

"Actually, her weapon hand seals are really good, and she may have some skills. It's a pity that she wasted too much time in the beginning, and the refining process was inevitably hasty. Otherwise, it probably wouldn't be the result like this." Some people secretly regretted for Gu Fenghua.

"She dares to pretend to be sexy in this situation, doesn't she deserve it?" Of course, some people disagree.

"You are still too young. Look at Master Luo. He is almost at the level of a master in martial arts, but he is so serious and cautious. This is the real master. You must remember this lesson and never be like this. That Gu Fenghua was so arrogant that he missed a bright future." Others took this opportunity to use Gu Fenghua as a lesson instead, and reprimanded the younger disciples.

"Gu Fenghua, I underestimated you. I didn't expect your weapon refining skills to be so superb. I'm really impressed...I'm so impressed with such a pagoda. I've never seen or heard of such a pagoda. Hahahaha." Hearing the words of everyone around him. , Luo Zigao was very proud, his whole body was light and airy, he couldn't help but started to ridicule, and later he even laughed loudly.

"Master Luo, thank you for opening your eyes. This junior is deeply honored." Gu Fenghua looked very polite and humble, but his smiling eyes were filled with self-satisfaction. He seemed to be taller than Luo Zi. proud.

"Uh..." Luo Zigao was stunned: Is this Gu Fenghua so arrogant, or is there something wrong with his brain that he can't even hear the truth and the irony?

"Hmph, you have the nerve to bring out such scrap metal and embarrass me? Listen to my advice, with this little strength, you don't have to participate in the subsequent competitions. It's okay to lose face. Why lose your honour? , give me the Demon Wood Cauldron in advance, and I won’t argue with you about what happened before." No matter he is arrogant or mentally ill, Luo Zigao doesn’t want to talk to people like Gu Fenghua any more, and with a flick of his clothes Xiu said contemptuously.

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