My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3030 Everything happened so suddenly

Gu Fenghua and the others finally got down to the idea of ​​strength and raised it again. This purple dust is not thick, and with their strength at this time, they can barely resist it. However, the strength of the Seventh and Eighth Grade Tiansheng is already as high as a mountain in the eyes of many people. How can ordinary people have such strength? .

If this continues, even if those people are lucky enough to escape the pursuit of the Purple Soul Beast, they will die tragically under this world-destroying purple dust!

Their expectant eyes once again rested on the Holy Lord Tianji.

With their strength, they might be able to barely save the surviving people in the town, but there are a lot of monsters that have broken out of the Purple Heaven Prison, and it is impossible for them to kill them all. If they are allowed to escape to other places, there will be more. Many innocent people suffered.

More importantly, if the space crack is not closed in time, other purple soul beasts will soon kill Wuji Holy Heaven. There's no way they can stay here forever, not to mention their strength.

Looking at the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, only three saints can do all this.

They didn't let them wait for too long. After a moment of silence, the Holy Lord Tianji began to make hand seals.

"They can be saved, they can be saved." Looking at the people in the town who were struggling on the verge of life and death, Gu Fenghua and the others almost cried with joy.

As the Heavenly Saint Lord made one handprint after another, the space became distorted again, and everything in front of him became illusory and illusory, like a dream. Gu Fenghua and others were slightly startled, showing doubts.

At this time, shouldn't we first kill all the purple soul beasts that rushed into Wuji Holy Sky, save the innocent people in the town, and then repair the forbidden barrier and seal the cracks in the space? What is Tianji Holy Lord doing? Could it be possible to kill those purple soul beasts with just hand seals?

The power of the Holy Lord was far beyond their expectations, and the Holy Lord's magical powers were beyond their imagination. Therefore, although Gu Fenghua and others were a little confused, they thought on second thought that Tianji Shengjun must have his own intentions in doing this, so they continued to wait patiently.

However, not long after, several people's expressions changed drastically.

In the ancient town, sections of city walls disappeared quickly, turning into powder almost without a sound, and then turned into nothingness, as if they were swallowed by an invisible monster. Several men who had just fled to the top of the wall looked at the suddenly disappearing city wall. Their frightened expressions became confused and they didn't know where to go. It wasn't until a purple soul beast roared and chased from behind that they woke up as if from a dream. No more. I thought, and rushed forward with all my strength.

"Ah!" The next moment, without warning, the figures of several people turned into powder and nothingness in the blink of an eye, disappearing completely like the city wall.

Everything happened so suddenly that they didn't even have time to scream. Only the strongest one among them let out a short exclamation, and then everything was over.

Of course, this is only for them. For others, another disaster has just begun, and the same is true for those purple soul beasts who are killing people.

The purple soul beast with its fangs and claws showing its fierce look had just stretched out its claws and opened its bloody mouth when the people in front of it suddenly disappeared and they were startled. Soon, relying on the monster's naturally sharp six senses, it noticed something, let out a low growl of terror, turned around and ran away.

"Woo..." Unfortunately, after only a few steps, its body began to disappear quickly, dispersed like dust and smoke, and turned into nothingness. It only let out half a scream and helpless scream before it died.

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