My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3044 It’s time for you to leave too

With a clear roar, Gu Fenghua finally advanced and reached the ninth level of Tiansheng.

Immediately afterwards, purple light flashed on the foreheads of Luo Enen and others. The eighth holy bead finally condensed and took shape, and each of them was promoted to the eighth level of heavenly saint.

"I've advanced, I've advanced." Feeling the changes in the holy energy, Luo Enen cheered.

In just one month, he was promoted to the first level. Not to mention Luo Enen, several other people were also ecstatic.

"Congratulations, you have been promoted to the first level in just one month. Even those legendary strong men will probably feel ashamed." Seeing their joy, Ye Yunji also had a look of relief on his face.

"Thanks to the Zixiao Divine Fire, if it weren't for..." Luo Enen did not consider himself a genius this time. He knew that if it weren't for the wonderful energy of the Zixiao Divine Fire, no matter how talented he was, he would not be able to break through so easily. So he said with emotion. But he only said half of it, and stopped abruptly.

For the past month, Ye Yunji has been searching for the Zixiao Divine Fire and refuses to give up no matter how they persuade her. Unfortunately, perhaps because the space collapsed and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was too chaotic, he still found nothing. Seeing his efforts and dedication, Luo Enen was unwilling to put more pressure on him.

"I already have some clues. I think I will be able to find them in a few days." Ye Yunji could see what Luo Enen was worried about, but her expression did not darken as she feared, but looked relaxed. said.

"Really?" Luo Enen and others' eyes lit up.

This promotion made them deeply feel the mysterious power of Zixiao Divine Fire, and also felt the difficulty of promotion. They know that as their cultivation level continues to improve, it will only become more and more difficult to advance in the future. If there is no rare treasure like the Zixiao Divine Fire, even if they find the Seven Star Spiritual Pool again, they may not be able to break through.

"I have roughly locked the location. It is only a few miles around. It won't be too difficult to find it carefully." Ye Yunji said with certainty.

"Great." Lorne cheered again. Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse also looked surprised.

Although these days, every time they saw Ye Yunji struggling to persevere in the collapsed space and the blood stains on his body, they were heartbroken and moved by him. But after repeated persuasion failed to stop them, they gradually accepted it.

Friends, aren’t they just for relying on each other? If Ye Yunji encounters danger one day, they will not hesitate even if they have to sacrifice their lives for him. If they understand this, they will stop being pretentious.

Gu Fenghua looked at Ye Yunji, who looked confident, but his eyes were full of pride, proud of his beloved!

In this world where the strong are respected, it is not surprising for fathers and sons to fight against each other for the treasures of heaven and earth. How many people are willing to sacrifice like this for their friends?

Of course, besides being proud, Gu Fenghua felt even more moved and sweet. She knew that if it weren't for herself, it would be difficult for Ye Yunji to do this for Luo Enen and the others.

"By the way, Brother Ye, when will you attack the Emperor?" Fatty Bai asked.

Although Ye Yunji originally entered the collapsed space to attack the Emperor, but these days, in order to distract himself from searching for the Zixiao Divine Fire, his practice must have been affected a lot, and he doesn't know if it will affect his attack on the Emperor. ? Not only Fatty Bai, but also several others were worried.

"It's almost done. When I find the Zixiao Divine Fire, I will start attacking the Emperor Saint. Then, it's time for us to leave." After saying that, Ye Yunji sat cross-legged and began to practice and recover.

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