My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3070 Still pointing out a clear path for the other party

"It turns out it's you, hand over the antidote!" The middle-aged man finally found the culprit and looked at Lorne with murderous intent.

"No, no, I have told you that I am just cooking. Where did the poison come from, and where did the antidote come from? There must be something wrong with this guy. You should take him to see a doctor as soon as possible. By the way, in the end, I want to find a doctor who knows how to treat cows." Lorne shook his head like a rattle and denied the poisoning, but he still pointed out a clear way to the other party. Only a doctor who is good at treating cattle can cure such poison.

It's a pity that Miss Luo's good intentions sounded like complete ridicule and ridicule to others.

"No, okay, okay! Take action!" After hearing Luo Enen's words, the middle-aged man's patience finally reached the limit, and with a loud shout, he attacked Luo Enen.

The other two middle-aged men were filled with anger when they saw their junior brother being poisoned like this. They only waited for the senior brother's order before they raised their swords and slashed at the same time.

The strength at the peak of the ninth level of Tiansheng was brought into full play under the irrepressible anger. Three sword rays, like the brightest shooting stars, streaked across the dark night sky.

Liang Yunshi subconsciously wanted to step forward, but only half a step later, the sound of clear drinks from Gu Fenghua and others could be heard beside him.

"One sword, break the sky!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!"

Four rays of sword light swept across the sky and condensed into one, as if the entire night sky was about to be split open by this sword.

Holy Emperor! This sword actually reached the realm of Emperor Saint, and it was not the first grade Emperor Saint, but the second grade Emperor Saint.

Only then did Liang Yunshi know why Gu Fenghua and the others were not worried at all and didn't even take each other seriously. It turns out that I still underestimated them. That sword strike during the day did not reveal their true strength at all.

Liang Yunshi couldn't describe his mood at this time. He only knew that for the rest of his life, he could never forget the majesty and magnificence of this sword!

"Boom" the sword light exploded in the sky. In an instant, the entire night sky became bright, and the earth trembled.

"Connect, connect, connect!" When the dazzling white light disappeared, the night sky became dark again, and the three middle-aged men opposite had fallen heavily to the ground.

Under the flickering firelight, their faces looked so pale, but the blood at the corners of their mouths was so dazzlingly red.

With one sword, just one sword, three experts at the peak of the ninth level of Heavenly Saint were defeated and seriously injured.

Of course, this is normal. The power of the swords of Gu Fenghua and others has reached the second level of the Emperor Saint. How can the ninth level of the Heavenly Saint be able to compete with them? They are lucky to be able to save their lives under this sword.

"Let's go!" The middle-aged man at the head was a bachelor. As soon as he saw the power of Gu Fenghua and others' combined swords, he knew that he was no match. He turned around and ran away immediately.

However, their injuries were serious. They had only rushed ten feet away when their vision went dark, and they staggered forward and fell forward. The men in black hurriedly stepped forward to help them, and then ran away like bereaved dogs.

During the day, they were frightened by the powerful swords of Gu Fenghua and others. When they saw this sword again, they were so frightened that they almost lost their minds. If it weren't for their master's fate, they would have run away completely. Now even the masters Uncle Du fled, wouldn't they be stupid if they didn't?

Concentrating only on escaping for their lives, they completely forgot that there was another uncle lying on the ground laughing wildly.

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