My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3074 With money, everything is possible

There are a lot of Holy Spirit Stones in front of her. There are tens of thousands of high-grade stones alone, and there are countless middle-grade and low-grade stones. Even if she is asked to divide them, it will take a lot of effort. How can Luo Enen be so fast?

"Yes, I counted it carefully, twice. If you don't believe it, I will count it again." As he said that, Luo Enen concentrated his thoughts again.

Her eyes were filled with light, and her whole body suddenly entered the sky, and a wonderful rhythm of heaven and earth surged outside her body.

The Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man is actually the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man! Gu Fenghua and others were stunned, and Liang Yunshi was so shocked that his eyes almost fell off.

You must know that the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man is the most mysterious realm of cultivation, and it can be encountered but not sought. Many people practice for a lifetime and cannot enter the realm of Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man.

Liang Yunshi has only entered the realm of the Holy Heart of Heaven and Man twice in his whole life of cultivation, and both times were after he reached the realm of Heavenly Saint. He is obsessed with medicine and alchemy, but he can reach the ninth level of Heavenly Saint, which is different from these two times of Heavenly Saint. The fate of the heart has a great relationship.

Even Gu Fenghua would never have been able to easily enter the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven without the Jade Liquid Stone, one of the five rare treasures outside the sky.

Unexpectedly, Luo Enen could enter the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven so easily today. Who says money is not everything, at least for Miss Luo, as long as you have money, all miracles are possible.

"Okay, I've finished counting, that's right." Just when everyone was stunned, Luo Enen raised his head and said to Gu Fenghua and others.

Entering the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, her mind was completely empty and time passed extremely slowly. However, for Gu Fenghua and others, it only took a few breaths. They were immersed in shock and they had not yet recovered. Woolen cloth.

"You still don't believe it, then I'll count it again." Miss Luo was so focused on money that she didn't even realize that she had entered the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man. She looked up and saw the astonished look of Gu Fenghua and others. , said somewhat helplessly.

After saying that, she focused her eyes and mind again and looked towards the pile of Holy Spirit Stones. Immediately, the mysterious rhythm of heaven and earth appeared outside her body.

"No, no, we believe you have already counted them." Gu Fenghua pulled Luo Enen and put the pile of Holy Spirit Stones in front of him into the space bracelet with a wry smile.

In this way, Miss Luo could enter the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man. Not to mention Liang Yunshi, even Gu Fenghua felt deeply hit and did not want to continue to be hit by her.

Anyway, this guy was busy counting money, and as soon as he finished counting the money, he immediately withdrew from the Sacred Heart of Heaven. This kind of opportunity, which is rare for ordinary people to encounter once in a lifetime, actually did not do any good for her cultivation. Of course, except for accidentally hitting others , there’s no harm in that either.

Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, and Ye Yunji were not polite, and each put the Holy Spirit Stone in front of them into their space bracelets.

"Isn't this not good?" Liang Yunshi was a little embarrassed and said hesitantly.

"What's not so good about this? Anyway, this guy has no good intentions. It would be a mistake for us not to kill him. Why not ask for mental compensation?" Miss Luo said confidently.

Fortunately, she could think of it. Others were so poisoned by her that they laughed to death and they didn't even ask for mental compensation. What kind of mental compensation did she want?

"Ahem, cough, that's not what I meant." Liang Yunshi shook his head and said, "If it weren't for your repeated actions, it would be difficult for me to save my old life, and I wouldn't be embarrassed to ask for any benefits. You should still share these Holy Spirit Stones. Bar."

"You have a share in meeting her. Mr. Liang, you don't need to be polite to her, just accept it." Gu Fenghua advised.

She was never stingy with the people around her, and this time was certainly no exception.

"Yes, Mr. Liang, it's all thanks to you. Without you as bait, how could they have come to our door, and how could we have made such a windfall? How did you say this? You can't trap the wolf if you don't want to bear the child, right? ?" Luo Enen also advised.

"Uh..." Liang Yunshi's expression froze.

He could feel that Luo Enen definitely meant well, but when he heard these words, why did he feel so strange?

Gu Fenghua and Fatty Bai wiped away cold sweat and lowered their heads together: "It's terrible to be uneducated."


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