My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3087 Buying your life with money

"Death? Why should you die? I never thought about killing you. What good would that do to me?" Ye Yunji looked at Hong Yuan'an strangely.

"Then what do you want?" After hearing his words, Hong Yuan'an calmed down and asked.

"Bang!" Ye Yunji didn't answer, but reached into his arms and took out a shiny golden object.

Hong Yuan'an's head was startled, and he instinctively circulated his holy energy to prepare for action, but he immediately relaxed. What Ye Yunji took out was an abacus, which seemed to be made of pure gold. It was extremely beautiful, but there was no fluctuation in the spiritual power of the magic weapon.

What does it mean? Looking at the golden abacus in Ye Yunji's hand, Hong Yuanan was a little confused again, and everyone around him also looked confused.

"I've seen this person's net worth. It's at least 100,000 high-grade Holy Spirit Stones. Let's count it as 100,000. Pa." Ye Yunji pulled the abacus and made a crisp "pop" sound.

"Ah!" Hong Yuan'an and others were startled.

"One Tiansheng ninth grade is one hundred thousand, four, that's four hundred thousand. By the way, he has already paid it. Let's subtract it. The remaining three are three hundred thousand. The Emperor's Saint is much more valuable than the Heaven's Saint. Count one. One million, two is two million, and the others are much weaker. So, the seventh grade of Tiansheng is counted as 50,000, six is ​​300,000, the sixth is 40,000, and five is 200,000. There are three heavenly saints of the fifth grade, each worth 30,000, which is 150,000, and the total is 3.75 million." Ye Yunji continued to turn the golden abacus, and the snapping sound was extremely pleasant and extremely rich. The rhythm is pleasing to the eye.

The expressions of Hong Yuanan and others became even more confused.

"Why are you still standing there? Pay the money. Once you pay the money, you can leave." Ye Yunji said with a gentle smile.

"Pay?" Hong Yuanan finally came to his senses and looked at Ye Yunji in confusion.

"Yes, there is no benefit in killing you. I will not do such a useless thing, but I feel unwilling to let you go like this, and I will be very unhappy. Things that make me unhappy, I I definitely won’t do it. If you compare yourself to yourself, you must not be willing to do this kind of thing, right?

Fortunately, I am actually a businessman. As long as I have business to do, I feel better. Your lives are now in my hands. If you want to take them back, just buy them with money. In this way, you will be happy if you save your lives, I will be happy if I make money, and everyone will be happy, right? "Ye Yunji made another golden abacus, and it made a crisp sound. The smile on his face was so bright, it made people feel like they were at home in the spring breeze.

Yes, this is a typical businessman's smile.

"You want us to spend money to buy our own lives?" Hong Yuan'an looked at Ye Yunji with his jaw dropped, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. Ever since he met Ye Yunji, he found that he was dazed a lot.

"Of course you don't have to buy it, but in that case your mood will definitely not get better. Why bother? In fact, I always felt it was a pity to let them go last time, but they came to my door again. If I didn't do this I will definitely not be able to forgive myself for this transaction." Ye Yunji said with emotion.

Black lines stood up on the foreheads of Gu Fenghua and others. At this moment, they finally asked Yunji what they were regretting last night.

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