My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3125 3125 is exactly what Fenghua guessed

Changfeng Sect is a top-grade sect after all. Why is it so careless to accept a disciple without even checking their origins? What's even more incredible is that he actually became an elder. She has seen too many things that deceive others... Well, she has indeed seen too many things, but this kind of thing that deceives herself is really the first time she has seen it. Saw once.

Not to mention Luo Enen, even Gu Fenghua found it incredible. Although she didn't know much about Su Liangyong, but just looking at his decisiveness in handling Yue Yanlin's matter, he was by no means the kind of mediocre and incompetent person. How could he commit such a crime? next such error?

"Alas, I am not the Supreme Elder. I have been cautious and cautious all my life, but when I am old, I don't know people well. I actually took this kind of person into my sect. When I was dying, I specifically asked the sect leader to take good care of him. Otherwise, with his With your qualifications and cultivation, how can you become an elder?" A deacon couldn't help but said, with a hint of complaint in his words.

"Deacon Lin, I can't blame the Supreme Elder for this." Su Liangyong paused and explained, "More than sixty years ago, I, the Supreme Elder of the Changfeng Sect, reached a bottleneck in my cultivation and went out to travel in search of opportunities for breakthrough. When I passed a village on the way, When I sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough, I took advantage of it.

After many days of preparation, the Supreme Elder began to attack the bottleneck, but ended in failure and was seriously injured himself. At that time, his former enemy found out his whereabouts and led his men to hunt him down. Implicated by the Supreme Elder, the people in the village suffered heavy casualties. When we arrived after hearing the news, the village was already a river of blood. There were 631 men, women, and children in the village. Only Yue Yanlin was lucky to survive, but he was also seriously injured. The others all died tragically under the opponent's butcher knife. .

The Supreme Elder saw that the whole village died tragically because of him, and he felt extremely guilty. Seeing that Yue Yanlin had good qualifications, he took him under his tutelage and taught him all he had learned in his life. At that time, who would investigate his origins in detail, and who would find out clearly?

To be honest, when I saw such a tragic scene and Yue Yanlin's injuries, even I couldn't bear it. Even if the Supreme Elder didn't accept him as his disciple, I would accept him. This matter really cannot be blamed on the Supreme Elder. "

It turned out to be this, and Gu Fenghua and others finally understood. Thinking about it carefully, it is true that as Su Liangyong said, the elders are not to blame for this incident. Everyone in the village is dead, and Yue Yanlin was seriously injured. Who would suspect that there is something wrong with his origins? Even if they go to investigate, how can they investigate? You have to be clear, you can’t confront a dead person one by one, right?

However, when the Supreme Elder went crazy, he was chased by his enemies, and the whole village died because of him. Is this really just a coincidence? If they don't die, it may not be so easy for Yue Yanlin to gain the trust of the Supreme Elder.

"Now that I think about it, the deaths of all the people in the village may not be a coincidence, but maybe just to cover up Yue Yanlin's true identity." At this time, Su Liangyong said thoughtfully, which was exactly the same as Gu Fenghua's guess.

Hearing his words, everyone felt chilled again. In order to hide his identity and let Yue Yanlin sneak into the Changfeng Sect, Zuo Hongan brutally massacred the entire village. That was hundreds of lives, including the elderly, women, children, and infants.

As the leader of the Shang Sect, this person is so cruel and vicious!

"Take his body and find a place to bury it." After knowing Yue Yanlin's true identity, Su Liangyong became less angry and angry. He shook his head and said to several disciples.

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