My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3134 Trusting almost blindly

Although they have now been promoted to Heavenly Saints, the Chaos Xuantian Pill is meaningless to them, but it is also conceivable that if one day they are promoted to Emperor Saints, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth required for breakthrough will be huge. If needed at a critical moment With the help of the holy elixir, how mysterious and infinite the holy elixir should be.

Gu Fenghua's alchemy skills are already outstanding, and she has obtained the fairy grass. In terms of alchemy strength, she is comparable to many famous alchemy masters who have been famous for many years. What she really lacks is a suitable elixir recipe.

Liang Yunshi gave her this "Jiuding Shendan Sutra", which was a timely help!

"But with the pages of the book in such torn condition, there is no single recipe that is perfect. Can you really make Fenghua?" While overjoyed, Luo Enen said worriedly.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Gu Fenghua calmed down a little and said, shaking his head.

"Tch, then why are we so happy?" Luo Enen suddenly felt like a deflated rubber ball, losing his energy.

Although this is the Wuji Holy Heaven and no longer the Tianji Continent, Ye Yunji's power is not what it used to be. But Gu Fenghua still believes that a strong person will always be strong no matter where he goes.

In short, once Ye Yunji takes action, Gu Fenghua no longer needs to worry about finding the Holy Pill. He can just wait for his good news.

Several people went back to their rooms to wash up. When they came out, the Changfeng Sect's dinner party had been prepared, and the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves happily.

In the next few days, Gu Fenghua and others practiced quietly and made final preparations for the next Qingqiu Gorge trial.

"With this Alchemy Book alone, it is indeed difficult for me to refine the corresponding holy elixir. However, if I can find the holy elixir, even if it is a useless elixir, I can easily work out the complete elixir recipe with this Alchemy Book." ." Gu Fenghua was not disappointed, and still had a face that could not hide his joy.

"If you can find the holy elixir, you can figure out the elixir recipe yourself. For example, the Chaos Xuantian elixir last time. Why do you need the elixir recipe for?" Luo Enen asked doubtfully.

"You are stupid, but you are really stupid. The Chaos Xuantian Pill last time was only a Xuanpin Holy Pill. It was considered a Heavenly Pill at most. The pill recipe is not complicated. The reason why it is difficult to refine is because there is no Immortal Rao Grass or Jiutian. Xuanqi. But the elixirs on this are all imperial grade. I wonder how much more complicated they are than the heavenly grade xuanpin holy elixir. Can it be the same after careful consideration?" Gu Fenghua rolled up the alchemy scripture and hit Luo Enen on the head. superior.

Speaking of which, Luo Enen really trusted her too much, almost blindly. She also thinks that Gu Fenghua's alchemy skills are too powerful. In her opinion, is it just alchemy? Is there a holy elixir in this world that Gu Fenghua can't refine? Is there a recipe that she can't figure out?

However, Gu Fenghua himself is not that arrogant. She knew very well that if she relied solely on holy elixirs to analyze the prescriptions recorded in the "Jiudingshen Dan Sutra", she would probably not be able to come up with a few in her lifetime. They were not as simple as Luo Enen imagined.

"By the way, I forgot, this is the Emperor's Holy Pill, be careful not to break it." Luo Enen finally realized that Gu Fenghua is a human being, not a god. It is not difficult to analyze the Heaven's Xuanpin Holy Pill, but It's not that easy to figure out the recipe for the Emperor's Holy Pill, not to mention that this is not an ordinary Emperor's Holy Pill, but an Emperor's Holy Pill that must be refined with the help of fairy grass.

"Mr. Liang has really been of great help this time. With this "Nine Cauldrons Divine Alchemy Sutra", it should be much easier to practice after we reach the Emperor level." Gu Fenghua put away the Alchemy Sutra and said with emotion.

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