My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3145 3145 Do you think it’s a little strange?

Qingqiu Gorge is full of spiritual energy, not only growing a large number of exotic flowers and plants, but also haunted by monsters, and they are not weak. They encountered several on the way. Although with their current strength, those monsters do not pose a serious threat at all, they are not familiar with Qingqiu Gorge after all, and the Qingqiu Emperor also reminded everyone that this trial is inevitably dangerous, so if you are unable to do it, give up as soon as possible. Each person was even given a jade escape talisman, so Gu Fenghua did not dare to be careless at all.

They found a huge boulder in the lee of the wind and built a camp. Everyone built the camp with a bonfire and set up the tent skillfully. Gu Fenghua personally set up a warning formation around the camp to prevent monsters from sneaking in at night.

In fact, her space bracelet also contains the training cave given to her by Ye Yunji. The cave itself is a magic weapon made of fine gold and mithril. It has extremely strong defense. If you are in it, you don't have to worry about any monsters at all. .

However, the cave is too small, and it is not a problem for one person to live alone. With so many people, they can only take shelter temporarily. There is no way to rest when they are crowded together. Gu Fenghua does not want to be too special, let alone neglecting his friends, so at this time Too lazy to take it out.

Although he didn't care about having fun during the trial, after a day's journey, he had to be distracted in search of medicinal materials. Gu Fenghua and others also had to search for the Zixiao Divine Fire. Everyone was a little tired, so Fatty Bai simply made some meals. Soon, the enticing aroma filled the camp.

"Fenghua, eh, eh, don't you think it's a little strange?" Ye Wuse said doubtfully while eating.

"What's weird?" Lorne asked.

"I originally thought that the deeper you go into Qingqiu Gorge, the more abundant the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be, and the more treasures of heaven and earth will emerge in endlessly, but now it seems that there doesn't seem to be much difference." Ye Wuse said.

"Yeah, I don't think so until you tell me, but when you talk about it, it seems like it's really the case." Luo Enen said, patting his forehead.

Fatty Bai, Qin Haofang and others subconsciously stopped their chopsticks and showed doubts.

"Yes, I noticed it too." Gu Fenghua nodded and said.

When they first entered the Qingqiu Gorge, everyone was shocked by the abundant spiritual energy and the high-end medicinal materials that could be seen everywhere. They thought that the closer to the depths of the canyon, the more abundant the spiritual energy would be, and the more natural and earthly treasures would emerge in endlessly—— This is also the practice of many secret cultivation realms. They went deep into the canyon non-stop for this reason.

However, as Gu Fenghua went deep into the Qingqiu Gorge, while concentrating his spiritual thoughts to search for the Zixiao Divine Fire, he was surprised to find that there was no obvious change in the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth, and the strange flowers and plants he encountered on the road were no better than those he had just entered the canyon. No matter how much time you have, there won't be much difference in grade.

"If the entire Qingqiu Gorge is like this, everyone can just stay at the entrance and practice. What else is there to do?" Luo Enen expressed everyone's thoughts.

"After all, the trial has just begun. I guess the situation will be different deep in the canyon." Gu Fenghua guessed.

Although he was full of doubts, Gu Fenghua never believed that Qingqiu Gorge would be so simple. Although there is abundant spiritual energy in this canyon, which is much higher than that of a school and the Kuzen Sect, and there are also many exotic flowers and plants growing there, it cannot be compared with the Seven Star Spiritual Pond in the Infinite Valley.

It is also the training ground of Junshi. There is a Seven-Star Spirit Pond in Wuliang Valley. How could it be that Qingqiu Gorge is just that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is more abundant than elsewhere, and there are more exotic flowers and plants growing there.

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