My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3179 3179 We went there to die.

"Yes, it is indeed a training ground for Lord Envoy." Several other disciples of the Broken Moon Sect agreed, looking equally listless.

They came to Qingqiu Gorge this time to improve their cultivation and even reach the realm of Emperor Saint. But now, with the spirit gathering formation right in front of them, they couldn't muster any energy. There was no way, the tragic defeats of Lu Xiuwen and Yu Zhixin, and the tragic deaths of Qi Mingde and Lin Yushan were such a huge blow to them.

"How are your injuries? If it's nothing serious, we'll leave quickly." Lu Xiuwen looked in the direction of the core of the formation and said.

Previously, they were only focused on escaping, and had no time to distract themselves from the rocks shooting behind them. These people were all hit and seriously injured.

"You still want to go?" The expressions of those Broken Moon Sect disciples changed.

You can think with your toes that Gu Fenghua and others will never let go of this great opportunity to practice. Aren't they throwing themselves into a trap by rushing over?

"What should we do if we don't go? Should we just go back like this?" Lu Xiuwen said.

"But Gu Fenghua and the others are here. We went there to die." A disciple of the Broken Moon Sect said, with a hint of crying in his voice.

As a holy master of the eighth level of Heavenly Saint, he certainly knew that the path of cultivation was difficult and dangerous. Even if he could not look down upon life and death, he was not too taboo about death. But it's not worth it to go to someone's house to die when you know you're going to die.

"The formation has a radius of dozens of miles. Be careful, Gu Fenghua may not find us. Such a great opportunity may never come again in our lifetime. Are you really willing to give up like this?" Lu Xiuwen asked.

To be honest, he was reluctant to face Gu Fenghua, but the temptation of the spirit gathering formation was too great. His cultivation level fell from the second level of Emperor Saint to the first level of Emperor Saint, and Yu Zhixin fell directly to the ninth level of Heavenly Saint. Only the spirit gathering formation in front of them could help them regain their strength, and even go one step further. He couldn't bear to give up this opportunity.

Moreover, Qi Mingde and Lin Yushan, who had high hopes from the sect, met with an accident. Not to mention being promoted to Emperor Saint, they were not even able to save their lives. He had the greatest responsibility, and there was no way he could explain it if he went back like this. Only if his strength is not damaged, or even goes further, and has greater use value to the sect, can the sect leader let him go.

After hearing his words, the disciples of the Broken Moon Sect fell silent.

As a Saint Master, who doesn't want to be famous all over the world, or even go down in history? How could they be willing to give up such a great opportunity?

"Then, let's go, but this time, we must not meet Gu Fenghua again." Several people were finally moved by Lu Xiuwen's words, but they still had lingering fears when they thought of Gu Fenghua.

"If there is no chance, naturally we can't meet her again, but if there is a chance, we will take action when it's time to take action!" Lu Xiuwen said.

"Huh?" Seeing that Lu Xiuwen still didn't give up, the disciples of the Broken Moon Sect who had finally made up their mind began to waver again.

Being famous in the world is important, but life is even more important. How can you lose your life and become famous?

"You don't have to worry too much. I told you that you will only take action when you have the opportunity. You must know that any accident may happen during cultivation, and Gu Fenghua may not be an exception. If she goes crazy, how can we still look at the opportunity right in front of us? Not taking action? Of course, if she is safe and sound, I won't joke with my life, so what do you have to worry about?" Lu Xiuwen said comfortingly.

After all, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to restore his cultivation level, or go one step further. If there was a chance, getting rid of Gu Fenghua and completing the tasks assigned by the lord of the clan would be the best choice.

"Yes, yes, as long as there is such an opportunity, of course we should take action, otherwise how can we explain it to the sect leader, but forget it." The disciples of the Broken Moon Sect felt relieved and nodded repeatedly.

With a movement of their bodies, several people also flew towards the core of the formation.

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