"These people are so brave, how dare they attack Mr. Liu!"

"I don't know how high the sky is. Mr. Liu was originally a master in the late stage of the ninth level of Tiansheng. He only stagnated because he could not find an opportunity to break through. In this trial, I saw him promoted to the peak of the ninth level of Tiansheng. If it weren't for this There is something strange about the formation, maybe he has been promoted to the realm of Emperor Saint. If they dare to attack Mr. Liu, aren't they looking for death?"

"It's not necessarily that they are looking for death. Mr. Liu relies on his status and will definitely leave a way for them to survive. However, if he acts so arrogantly and dares to be so rude to Mr. Liu, it is inevitable that he will receive a lesson."

"It's good to learn a lesson. If you are so arrogant and domineering at such a young age, I'm afraid even the Lord Envoy will not take him seriously in the future!" Disciples from various sects were talking about him all around.

It's not that they share the same hatred as Liu Huaiyuan, nor do they have such a good relationship with each other. However, there was a sudden change in the formation, and they didn't know what was going on. They were all on tenterhooks and wanted to find out from Gu Fenghua and others. Even if Liu Huaiyuan didn't ask, someone else would definitely ask.

Who knew that Gu Fenghua and others were so rude, even choosing to ignore Liu Huaiyuan's questions, and even take action directly. Of course they would not be an exception, so they were aggrieved and wished that Liu Huaiyuan would teach him a lesson. That's good.

"Mr. Liu, there's no need to be polite to them, teach them a lesson and teach them how to behave." Someone else yelled, half flattering, half venting their anger.

"Bang!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a muffled sound, and Liu Huaiyuan, who was still holding the air of an elder with a proud look on his face, flew out like a kite with its string broken.

At the same time as Gu Fenghua took action, Luo Enen and others also took action at the same time. Liu Huaiyuan's strength is indeed good, but no matter how good he is, he is only a Heavenly Saint after all, so how can he withstand the powerful swords of several people who concentrate their concentration!

The surrounding discussions and shouts suddenly stopped, and everyone was stunned.

A master who is at the peak of the ninth level of Heavenly Saint is actually so vulnerable? He also expected him to teach the other party a lesson and teach them how to behave. This was good, but someone else taught him how to behave.

"The formation has changed. If you don't want to die, leave quickly!" Taking this opportunity, Gu Fenghua shouted again.

After hearing this sentence, many people still looked puzzled. After all, this trial opportunity was too rare. Because Gu Fenghua gave up with just one sentence. He was really unwilling to leave. At least he should figure out the truth about this formation. Something happened, didn't it?

But some people made a quick decision, turned around and rushed out of the formation. These people obviously have better brains and know how to judge the situation better - it is not difficult to see how strong they are from the way the opponent slashed Liu Huaiyuan with a sword, and even they are in such a mess, it is not difficult to imagine this formation How dangerous the accident was.

As for what their so-called accident is, is this question important? Anyway, even if they can't deal with it, there is definitely no hope for him. How long will it take if he doesn't escape now?

Seeing these people rushing out of the formation in the blink of an eye, many of the people left behind began to hesitate.

Gu Fenghua and others did not stop after slashing the sword, but continued to rush out. Anyway, they had already warned those who needed to be reminded. If others didn't listen, they couldn't be kidnapped one by one. They were not the Virgin.

"What are you still hesitating about? Let's go quickly. Do you really want to die?" Luo Enen was still soft-hearted and couldn't bear to see them die in the formation without any reason, so he couldn't help shouting.

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