My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3205 3205 This is not the time to be humble

"Everyone retreats a hundred feet away and waits for me to activate the formation. If we can break through this barrier, we can escape immediately. If not, I believe we can cause unnecessary damage to this barrier. At that time, if we all use our full strength, we should be able to do it." Fight for the chance to save your own life." Gu Fenghua said seriously.

"Yes, please help me, Senior Sister." Everyone responded in unison, quickly retreating, and did not stop until they were a hundred feet away.

The Kohe Sect was destroyed by this formation back then, and they did not dare to risk their lives. If they hadn't been afraid of missing the opportunity to escape, they would have retreated more than a hundred feet away. Even a thousand feet away might not be enough.

Gu Fenghua quickly used the formation disk to set up the formation, and then retreated while making hand seals to activate the formation. However, since she had to activate the formation, she couldn't retreat a hundred feet away. She only retreated more than thirty feet before she stopped.

Following her handprints, array disks flashed one after another, vaguely exuding an aura of destruction.

This kind of aura makes everyone's heart palpitate, but at the same time, it also brings them great hope. The more powerful this self-destruction formation is, the greater the chance of breaking through the barrier, and of course the greater their chance of survival!

"Boom!" All the formation disks simultaneously erupted with a white light that was so bright that it was hard to open one's eyes, and the formation was finally activated.

The destructive power exploded violently, and the whole earth was shaking. Even though they were hundreds of feet away, all the powerful disciples of the sect were staggered. Some who were too weak were even shaken to the point of vomiting blood and flying upside down. And out.

Gu Fenghua's face turned pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Although she flew back the moment the formation was activated, she was still too close to the formation and the destructive power was too strong, so she was still unavoidable.

Fortunately, she had been tempered by the Ice Muscle and Jade Bone Spring, and her body's meridians were not as strong as ordinary people. She had also prepared a protective magical weapon that she had made in advance. Although she was injured, it was not as serious as it seemed. It won't be a big deal if he spits out the congestion.

"Quick, do it!" Gu Fenghua shouted after taking a few holy pills.

Liu Huaiyuan and others were also shocked to death, and there was a brief blank in their minds. However, they woke up immediately when they heard Gu Fenghua's voice.

Looking closely, he saw that a big hole had been opened in the barrier. Although it was not completely broken, it was not far off.

Liu Huaiyuan and others did not dare to hesitate, and immediately raised their swords and flew out.

Everyone knew that if they could not seize this opportunity to completely break through the barrier, the terrifying power of the five elements would soon fall again, sealing the entire dharma once again.

When it comes to their own lives, no one dares to be lazy. The holy energy that has been accumulated for a long time, along with thousands of sword rays, slashes into the breach at the same time.

At the same time, three other huge forces also blasted in from the outside. You don't need to guess to know that it was Mo Qinghe, Qing Fan and Ye Yunji who took action.

There was another loud noise, and with the concerted efforts of everyone, the barrier was finally completely broken, and a straight passage appeared in front of them.

Finally succeeded! At this moment, everyone in the formation had tears in their eyes, and they were even so excited that they lost consciousness for a moment.

But after this moment, they immediately came to their senses and rushed out as hard as they could.

Gu Fenghua is no exception. This is not the time to be humble, nor is it the time to pretend to be calm and superior, pretending to be X and being struck by lightning. She has seen too many such examples, and of course she will not make the same mistake.

However, just after rushing out more than ten feet, she suddenly stopped again.

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