My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3265 3265 Bah, it’s up to you

"Master, I will accompany you there." A disciple saw his tired face and stepped forward to help him.

"No need, you stay here with them in case something changes." Zuo Hongan waved his hand and said.

Seeing how difficult Zhen Fengliu was, he no longer dared to be careless. Now that He Yandao was so injured again, how could he rest assured if he didn't leave a direct disciple here to hold the line back?

Returning to the bedroom alone, Zuo Hongan lay down on the bed and immediately closed his eyes. So tired, he was so tired!

"Ah..." Before he could fall asleep, another scream came from outside.

"Master, Master!" Then came the exclamation and hurried footsteps of the direct disciple.

Zuo Hongan turned over and stood up suddenly.

"What happened?" He was woken up while half asleep. His eyes were bloodshot, but he felt even more tired.

"Master, that old monkey is here again and injured Junior Brother Qiu." The disciple said with a grimace.

"What!" All of Zuo Hongan's fatigue was swept away, and his whole body became excited again.

I thought that Zhen Fengliu was seriously injured this time and would not come back too soon, but she didn't expect that he would come back again just after she fell asleep.

That's fine. In such a short time, his injuries will definitely not heal. With the help of the formation just laid out, we can kill him in one fell swoop and eliminate future troubles forever!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Zuo Hongan rushed out with bare feet, disheveled hair, and blood-red eyes.

When I arrived at the main hall, I didn't see the old monkey. I saw a young disciple vomiting blood and falling to the ground. He was obviously seriously injured.

"Where are the people, where are the people?" Zuo Hongan clenched his fists, roaring hysterically like a trapped animal driven crazy.

Not only was there no sign of the old monkey in the hall, there was no sign that the formation he had set up had been activated.

"He didn't come in. Junior Brother Qiu just wanted to go out for convenience. He was injured as soon as he went out." A disciple explained.

"What about the others? Where are they?" Zuo Hongan then released his fists and asked through gritted teeth.

"Zuo Hong'an, please listen to me. If you don't apologize to my Yelang Sect disciples and admit your mistakes, I will never be done with your Duan Yue Sect!" Zhen Fengliu's voice sounded out without losing any opportunity.

On the top of the city, the old monkey had his hands on his hips and his green gauze scarf fluttering in the wind.

"Old Monkey, I'm going to kill you!" Zuo Hong'an roared angrily and rushed out with red eyes.

"Bah, even you want to kill me, Zhen Fengliu, and you don't know your own abilities!" The old monkey sighed with disdain. Despite the heroic words he spoke, as soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and ran away. After just a few ups and downs, he disappeared into the thick night.

"I will come back, hahahaha." The arrogant laughter floated far away in the night wind.

In the yard, Zuo Hongan stopped, his whole body trembling with anger, his eyes almost bursting with fire, and he muttered to himself nervously: "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..."

But that voice was so powerless and helpless.

His own son died with his eyes open, all the elite disciples were wiped out, and the most powerful elder couldn't afford to be seriously injured. Now, he is stuck with a dog-skin plaster like Yelang Sect and can't tear it away, can't shake it off, can't be trampled on, why are all these unlucky things Did it all fall on the Broken Moon Sect and Zuo Hongan? What did he do wrong?

Listening to Zhen Fengliu's screams of disappearing in the wind, Zuo Hongan was filled with grief and anger.

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