My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3288 3288 You must not fall into his scheme.

"Aren't you ashamed that you are such a coward and dare to pursue the position of Holy Sect?"

"Everyone, come and see, a sect like this has the nerve to claim to be a top-grade sect, and has the nerve to claim the position of a holy sect, but they don't feel embarrassed? Tell me, there are so many sects in Wuji Holy Heaven, how many of them are there? Are you shameless?" The quieter there was, the more excited Zhen Fengliu became, shouting loudly with a voice like a broken gong.

In the main hall, Zuo Hongan leaned forward tremblingly and opened his eyes suddenly. His bloodshot eyes could almost spit out fire.

"Sir, sect leader, you must not fall into his scheme." Several disciples hurried forward and advised with anxious expressions.

"Okay, okay, let him scold him. I'll see how long he can scold him." Under their persuasion, Zuo Hongan, who was almost on the verge of going berserk, sank and sat back down, gritting his teeth tightly. A trace of blood oozed from the seam.

Outside the door, Zhen Fengliu was jumping around and cursing like a shrew, but inside the hall, Zuo Hongan and others suppressed their anger and remained silent.

"Don't say anything, right? I want to see how long you can hide." Zhen Fengliu cursed for a while, but saw no response from the other party. She was probably tired of scolding, or found it boring, so she finally stopped and cursed. turned around and left.

"I didn't expect that Zuo Hongan would become so forbearing." An old man in the crowd in the distance said with emotion.

You must know that through the hard work of several generations of sect leaders, the Broken Moon Sect has become stronger and stronger day by day. In order to establish prestige and compete for the position of the Holy Sect in these years, it is inevitable to act in a domineering manner. If not seen with one's own eyes, who would dare to believe that they can be so forbearing. side.

"Let's go, Zuo Hongan has endured this much, what else can Zhen Fengliu do to him? There is really no good show today." The other sect leader shook his head and prepared to leave, looking very disappointed.

"Master, wait a minute, he's back again." At this moment, a disciple said in surprise.

The sect leader stopped and looked along the line of sight of his disciples. He saw Zhen Fengliu carrying a dark wooden barrel, rushing to the door of the Broken Moon Sect in three steps and two steps at a time. He raised the barrel and headed towards it. A plaque with the characters "Broken Moon Sect" engraved on it was thrown out.

"What is he doing? That is..." the disciple asked curiously, but before he could finish the question, he immediately closed his mouth and pinched his nose.

A stench floated in the wind, making people almost nauseous. Needless to say, they knew what he was throwing.

Gu Fenghua and others pinched their noses with one hand and wiped their foreheads with the other, all sweating profusely: "It's too cruel. The revenge of this Yelang Sect is really too cruel!" Offending them is indeed a bloody misfortune for eight lifetimes...

"Hahahaha, hide, let me see how long you can hide?" Zhen Fengliu threw away the barrel and laughed loudly.

"Zhen Fengliu, I'm going to kill you!" Zuo Hongan's familiar, hysterical roar rang out in the hall, and the old figure appeared in front of everyone again.

Forbearance, the Zuo sect master really wanted to endure it. Even if he was scolded bloody by Zhen Fengliu, he still endured it, but he was bullied to such an extent that even the sect plaque was splashed on the rice field. Totally, how could he endure it? If this could be tolerated, the Broken Moon Sect would really never have the face to see anyone again.

Kill Zhen Fengliu. Today, he will kill Zhen Fengliu at all costs.

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