In fact, although the city lord's injuries were serious, Mo Qingqiu's cultivation and Gu Fenghua's medical skills might not be able to save him. However, he chose to commit suicide in order not to distract them and seize the time to pursue him. Kill the roe owl and save more innocent people!

In comparison, the city lord's cultivation level was not very high, but at this moment, even Mo Qingqiu, one of the top experts in Wuji Holy Heaven, was in awe of him.

"Lord City Lord!" All around, a group of guards fell to their knees and cried out in pain.

"Let's go!" Mo Qingqiu gritted his teeth, holding back his grief and continued to chase outside.

"The cracks in the barrier have been repaired. You don't have to stay here anymore. Go and save people. Don't let the Lord of the City down for his hard work. Also, put the Lord of the City's body in a safe place and don't let it be humiliated by monsters." He came to the door. , Mo Qingqiu paused, and then warned the guards.

"Yes, sir." The guards stood up, and except for the corpses of a few City Lords, they all rushed towards the city with murderous intent.

Mo Qingqiu gathered his thoughts and led Gu Fenghua and others to chase the roe owl.

The city was still in chaos, with countless people crying and running away. The purple soul beasts were chasing behind them, sometimes showing their sharp fangs and sharp claws, taking away innocent lives.

Gu Fenghua and others were heartbroken when they saw this, and couldn't help but draw out their swords again.

"It's important to chase the roe owl." This time, Mo Qingqiu was ruthless and stopped everyone from saying.

After hearing his words, Gu Fenghua and others could only suppress the grief in their hearts and put away their swords. They also know that the people in the city have some level of cultivation, and if they can gather together, they can survive for a while. The biggest threat right now is the two roe owls. If they cannot be killed as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles.

Ahead, two roe owls were flying at full speed, smashing through ancient houses and sending dust rising into the sky. The strength of the ancient ferocious beasts is once again clearly visible. Fortunately, Mo Qingqiu and others were hot on their heels. They were so focused on escaping that they had no time to attack anyone else. This was a blessing among misfortunes.

Focusing on the roe deer owls, I saw streaks of blood mist drifting away as they ran away. It was obvious that they had been forced to explode their claws by Gu Fenghua's sword just now. They were also seriously injured, and their speed was getting faster and faster. The slower. Mo Qingqiu and others used all their strength to circulate the holy energy, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

The tense heartstrings of Gu Fenghua and others finally relaxed a little.

The city defense formation has not been closed yet. With the existence of that barrier, it is difficult for Roe Owl to escape with such an injury! At this time, they finally realized the painstaking efforts of the city lord. Thinking of his feat of cutting off his own heart, they felt a burst of sadness and anger.

After running wildly, the two roe owls finally came to the bottom of the city wall. With the sharp six senses born by the monsters, it was not difficult to find the existence of the forbidden barrier. They just heard a roar, and at the same time they jumped up high and stretched out their other arms. The only remaining tiger claw struck towards the barrier through the air.

"Chi!" The sound broke through the air, and a crack appeared in the space crossed by the beast's claws.

However, even Mo Qingqiu had to use all his strength and nine consecutive swords to break through the city barrier. How could the roe owl break through it so easily with just one remaining tiger claw?

Light patterns rippled like water waves, and the cracks that had just opened were quickly closed. The two roe owls screamed and waved their tiger claws again, and aura of light came out from their claws like tiny long swords, at the city protection barrier. There are cracks up and down, but they are repaired at a faster speed. Finally, after waving dozens of claws, the two roe owls hit the invisible barrier, groaned in unison, and were shocked to the point where they fell to the top of the city.

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