My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3366 3366 How can I owe this money for working hard?

"Master Wengshan, we have been cooperating for many years, why can't we ask for less this time?" Zuo Hongan said helplessly.

"Master Zuo, we are fighting for our lives. Do you think the lives of the three of us are not worth 300,000 Holy Spirit Stones?" Weng Yuanming said righteously with a displeased look on his face.

Just now, you were all so angry that you were so scornful and arrogant when it came to the younger generation. Now when it comes to money, you are going to risk your life? You are already very old, can you still have some facial expressions? Seeing Weng Yuanming's confident look, Zuo Hongan almost cursed.

"Don't talk about the lives of the three of them. The names of the Three Saints of Moyun alone are not worth more than 300,000 Holy Spirit Stones. However, our Duan Yue Sect has suffered a big change recently, and we are a little tight on money. How about we first give ten Ten thousand, and the rest is owed. How about we make up for the rest when my Duan Yue Sect is promoted to the position of Holy Sect?" Zuo Hongan was so angry that he secretly gritted his teeth, but he had something to ask for, and he didn't dare to turn his face, so he could only say shamelessly, By the way, he also flattered the Three Saints of Moyun.

"Master Zuo, you can owe other money, but how can you owe this money for your life? In short, if you want us to take action, you have to count this. If you are missing half a penny, don't say anything. We are here Just go back to Moyun Mountain." Unfortunately, Weng Yuanming did not accept this trick. As soon as Zuo Hongan finished speaking, he said with a serious look on his face.

Yao Wenan and Zeng Ning'an also grabbed their hands and turned around to leave.

Seeing that Weng Yuanming and others were so resolute and made it clear that we would not take action if you don't pay them, Zuo Hongan, Hong Yuanan and several other Broken Moon Sect elders looked at each other, all worried.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention." Zuo Hongan was thinking hard about the countermeasures, and suddenly his heart moved.

"What's the matter?" After all, Weng Yuanming and others were so willing to give up this opportunity to make a fortune. After hearing this, they immediately stopped and asked.

"I seem to have heard that you are looking for ancient monsters. It just so happens that as far as I know, Gu Fenghua has three monster pets. One is an iron-eating beast and the other is a little fox. He has three tails. It is very likely that he is the legendary nine-tailed monster. Fox, and there is also a demon plant. Although we don’t even know its origin, it is extremely powerful and must be a strange species from the ancient times." Zuo Hongan said.

"What! Gu Fenghua really has such a demon pet?" Hearing this, the three saints of Moyun were all shocked.

"It's absolutely true." Zuo Hongan said with certainty.

With the help of Hong Yuan's borrowed magic weapon, they had already seen the scene before Lu Xiuwen's death. They had also seen Gu Fenghua's three demon pets with their own eyes, so how could they go wrong.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it..." Seeing him saying so definitely, the Three Saints of Moyun were so excited that their voices even trembled.

Zuo Hongan was right, they had been looking for the ancient monsters, but after that disaster, the ancient monsters died all over the place, and the ones that remained were only rare. How could they be so easy to find?

I didn't expect that Gu Fenghua would have such a demon pet! The iron-eating beast, the nine-tailed phantom thunder, is a legendary beast from the ancient times. It is only stronger than ordinary ancient monsters. And that monster plant, since even Zuo Hongan and others do not know its origin, is certainly extraordinary. Ordinary, maybe even rarer than the iron-eating beast and the nine-tailed phantom fox.

There is no place to be found even after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there. After hearing the news from Zuo Hongan, Weng Yuanming and others were overjoyed.

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